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applying transformation matrixes in magickwand

Posted: 2006-12-19T12:13:42-07:00
by monsters
Hi there,

I am doing a project that involves synching flash image manipulations with php. I am successfully using a convolution matrix to do emboss,

but cannot find a way to apply a color matrix..
Photo Negative – a colour matrix

-1 0 0 0 256

0 -1 0 0 256

0 0 -1 0 256

0 0 0 1 0

Anyone know if this is possible? the colour matrix appears to be a standard image manipulation scheme, so i'd be surprised if it didn't exist...

Posted: 2006-12-19T19:07:23-07:00
by anthony
It does not exist at this time. Also if it did it would be 'Q' dependant.

It was only recentally a reference to using color manipulation matrixes was given on the lists, and no one is doing much with them at this time.

Posted: 2006-12-19T20:34:12-07:00
by magick
A color matrix feature is written, we just need to get it into the beta distribution. Perhaps in a week or two. We make it depth independent by using normalized values, typically -1.0 - 1.0.

Posted: 2006-12-19T23:14:51-07:00
by monsters
This is the first hint I've had that the project is actually still under devlopment!!!

Well, that's very exciting, how likely is the timeline you suggest here? 2 weeks from now goes over xmas and such, so it seems to me optimistic that anything would happen then...

Great job! I wish i could help out, but my job is all consuming.


Posted: 2006-12-20T00:33:51-07:00
by anthony
The project has pretty well never stopped developing. With advanced in areas like -layer animations, color quantization, new features in the -fx espresions, extenstions into user define threshold maps and posterized coloring for -ordered-dither, better interpolation color lookup for -fx, rotations, and other distortions.

On top of this there have been major breakthroughs in advanced Im usage using the power of -fx to add 2 dimentional color gradients, positional distortion maps, and just last week perspective transformations which are so powerful that it will be added to the IM core real soon.

Current work is on Affine tranformations (fixing of long term bugs), perspective transformtion, edge following path generating funtions, and of course thanks to your input, color matrix development.

Things are always improving as changes to Im examples, trying to show these improvements can attest. In that area I myself am trying to slowly build up a reference index of IM options to major examples of those options.

Busy Busy Busy...