Search found 28 matches

by cedricb
Forum: Users
Topic: Make an Adaptive Histogram Equalization
Replies: 37
Views: 32077

Re: Make an Adaptive Histogram Equalization

@snibgo: any thought on applying this enhancement technique (CLAHE) on an image which has been outputted by enfuse? (exposure-fusion) the moment I'm using a simple -sigmoidal-contrast 2x50%
by cedricb
Forum: Users
Topic: adapting saturation
Replies: 17
Views: 50542

Re: adapting saturation

I've finally found the solution with the little help of the community (to get a better understanding of the layer/mask) ... agemagick/
by cedricb
Forum: Users
Topic: adapting saturation
Replies: 17
Views: 50542

Re: adapting saturation

I've updated IM to the latest release (6.6.1-10) I've been able to go to step 6 from the original tutorial: convert girl.png -modulate 100,0,100 step2.tiff composite step2.tiff girl.png -compose difference step3.tiff composite step3.tiff girl.png -compose multiply step5.tiff composite step5.tiff ...
by cedricb
Forum: Users
Topic: adapting saturation
Replies: 17
Views: 50542

Re: adapting saturation

thx I'll have a look @home with an updated version
by cedricb
Forum: Users
Topic: adapting saturation
Replies: 17
Views: 50542

Re: adapting saturation

I'm just trying to do some basic stuff... What's the difference with convert girl.png -colorspace HSL -separate girl_hsl%d.tiff convert girl_hsl1.tiff -evaluate set 0 girl_hsl1_zero.tiff mv girl_hsl1_zero.tiff girl_hsl1.tiff convert girl_hsl?.tiff -set colorspace HSL -combine -colorspace RGB girl2 ...
by cedricb
Forum: Users
Topic: adapting saturation
Replies: 17
Views: 50542

Re: adapting saturation

that's not the correct solution... :?
by cedricb
Forum: Users
Topic: adapting saturation
Replies: 17
Views: 50542

Re: adapting saturation is maybe a solution, I need to further compare with the PS4 result convert girl.png \( -clone 0 -modulate 100,0,100 \) -compose difference -composite mask1.tiff convert girl.png -normalize -modulate 100,130,100 mask2.tiff composite -compose CopyOpacity \( mask1.tiff -negate \) mask2.tiff ...
by cedricb
Forum: Users
Topic: adapting saturation
Replies: 17
Views: 50542

Re: adapting saturation

that's the same thing than my first 2 steps...
by cedricb
Forum: Users
Topic: adapting saturation
Replies: 17
Views: 50542

Re: adapting saturation

Thanks a lot for the pointers! I've been able to replicate perfectly the tutorial with PS4... It's nightmare to reproduce a mask/layer with IM, I can't get my head around it! :-) convert test.tiff -modulate 100,0,100 test_without_saturation.tiff composite test_without_saluration.tiff test.tiff ...
by cedricb
Forum: Users
Topic: adapting saturation
Replies: 17
Views: 50542

adapting saturation

I've found this tutorial and I'm just wondering if there is an already built feature in IM to do that. If not then what's the simple way to achieve that special saturation mask?

by cedricb
Forum: Users
Topic: Calculate exposure difference between two shots
Replies: 14
Views: 26314

Re: Calculate exposure difference between two shots


Yes the comparison is fine, just the scale due to the value returned from the identify mean. I need to play around with your "huge" command to understand everything...

by cedricb
Forum: Users
Topic: Calculate exposure difference between two shots
Replies: 14
Views: 26314

Re: Calculate exposure difference between two shots

Hi, Thanks a lot for the plug and play script, so I can remove my C program from my bash script... ;-) I'll test your script tonight. The min value is supposed to skip the 7th or lower f-stop values which is really noisy. And the max value is supposed to skip the values higher than 90% due to non ...
by cedricb
Forum: Users
Topic: brightness curve
Replies: 14
Views: 30846

Re: brightness curve

the colorspace Rec601Luma and the threshold value produce the correct black and white mask... ;-)

I'm getting the correct result with the Copy Opacity operator, but ultimately I would like to replace the transparent pixel to opaque white? can I do that after the last convert?
by cedricb
Forum: Users
Topic: brightness curve
Replies: 14
Views: 30846

Re: brightness curve

I'm fine to perform a mask, the only thing I have is the difficulty to replicate the actual mask from this tutorial... :? I think I've been able to replicate step 1 and step 2. ./curves "0,0 12.5,37.5 25,62.5 50,87.5 100,100" img_orig.tiff img_bright.tiff composite -compose CopyOpacity img_bright ...
by cedricb
Forum: Users
Topic: brightness curve
Replies: 14
Views: 30846

Re: brightness curve

Thanks for the details, I'm fine with the maths. I was wondering how can I re-produce the different layering masks from that tone mapping tutorial. I'm not looking to add different layers to an image like Photoshop. I just want to reproduce the same final effect by producing masks which I can ...