Search found 28 matches

by arizonagroovejet
Forum: Users
Topic: Install IM-6.9.9-40.x86_64.rpm on Centos 6.9
Replies: 2
Views: 2855

Re: Install IM-6.9.9-40.x86_64.rpm on Centos 6.9

I've downloaded the 2 rpm files: ImageMagick-6.9.9-40.x86_64.rpm and ImageMagick-libs-6.9.9-40.x86_64.rpm Where did you download them from? There's no links to rpms for 6.9.9 at and neither of them are available at ...
by arizonagroovejet
Forum: Users
Topic: Install IM-6.9.9-40.x86_64.rpm on Centos 6.9
Replies: 2
Views: 2855

Re: Install IM-6.9.9-40.x86_64.rpm on Centos 6.9

Try installing both rpms at the same time. $ rpm -Uvh ImageMagick-6.9.9-40.x86_64.rpm ImageMagick-libs-6.9.9-40.x86_64.rpm If you still get a message about unmet dependencies try $ yum install ImageMagick-6.9.9-40.x86_64.rpm ImageMagick-libs-6.9.9-40.x86_64.rpm yum should attempt to install ...
by arizonagroovejet
Forum: Users
Topic: Need help?
Replies: 2
Views: 2896

Re: Need help?

"Need help?" is a terrible subject. It reads like you're asking other people if they need help, gives no clue as to what the post is about and thus may discourage people from opening it. It may also make any solution which is arrived at in this post harder to find by people in the future who could ...
by arizonagroovejet
Forum: Users
Topic: how to problems since upgrading ?
Replies: 3
Views: 3113

Re: how to problems since upgrading ?

I recently upgraded to the latest ImageMagick - 6.8.9 Which operating system? 6.8.9 is not the latest version. The version currently available from is 7.0.8 and there are newer 6.x version than 6.8.9. This is using ImageMagick as provided with Fedora ...
by arizonagroovejet
Forum: Users
Topic: Sometimes caption: produces text that's too small.
Replies: 6
Views: 4437

Re: Sometimes caption: produces text that's too small.

I know nothing about how TrueType fonts work. I found someone saying that that can contain both bitmap (glyphs at various fixed sizes) and outline which scale to any size. I coudln't find anything else that confirmed what that person had said or made me think it wasn't correct. If the font I'm using ...
by arizonagroovejet
Forum: Users
Topic: Sometimes caption: produces text that's too small.
Replies: 6
Views: 4437

Re: Sometimes caption: produces text that's too small.

When your size just matches the characters you have provided it work well. But when you add one more character, it no longer fits the size and the font must be reduces so that it does not break a word. Sure, more text requires a small font size, but my point is that in some cases the extent to ...
by arizonagroovejet
Forum: Users
Topic: Sometimes caption: produces text that's too small.
Replies: 6
Views: 4437

Re: Sometimes caption: produces text that's too small.

Both of my examples specify width and height via -size.
by arizonagroovejet
Forum: Users
Topic: Sometimes caption: produces text that's too small.
Replies: 6
Views: 4437

Sometimes caption: produces text that's too small.

Using caption: to automatically fit some text in to a box of a given size mostly works fine but sometimes the text is way too small. For example, $ convert -background white -font DejaVu-Sans-Bold -fill white -stroke black -strokewidth 2 -size 1640x240 -interline-spacing 0 caption:"K FHYERAN, WOW ...
by arizonagroovejet
Forum: Users
Topic: HSB hue value differences
Replies: 3
Views: 2985

Re: HSB hue value differences

"For ImageMagick between 6.5.6-6 and 6.9.2-0, HSL (HSB) could only be specified with Hue as percent in range 0—100%, when Saturation and Lightness (Brightness) were also specified as percent in range 0—100%." I confess that sentence is slightly further down that page than I'd bothered to previously ...
by arizonagroovejet
Forum: Users
Topic: HSB hue value differences
Replies: 3
Views: 2985

HSB hue value differences

I'm seeing a difference in how HSB hue values work between 6.8.8 and how they work on 6.8.9 and 6.9.3. I've run this $ for i in {0..360};do convert -size 10x100 xc:"hsb($i,100%, 50%)" MIFF:- ;done| montage -tile x1 -geometry +0+0 - /tmp/hsbmontage.png on four different Linux distros using the ...
by arizonagroovejet
Forum: Users
Topic: Using MIFF and piping to convert produces unexpected result
Replies: 12
Views: 8820

Re: Using MIFF and piping to convert produces unexpected res

I do not understand unix that well. But you can avoid the subshell by using -fx random() function with -seed if you want the same result each time for the given seed. I mentioned this above. Thus you do not have to rely upon the shell RANDOM function. Yeah, I know but I still think there is a ...
by arizonagroovejet
Forum: Users
Topic: Using MIFF and piping to convert produces unexpected result
Replies: 12
Views: 8820

Re: Using MIFF and piping to convert produces unexpected res

I still don't understand exactly what is happening, I still can't answer the question I posed in post @ Thu Oct 30, 2014 12:30 pm but it seems to be something to do with bash running stuff after the pipe in a subshell. Maybe. This produces a different result each time: $ export RANDOM=1234; convert ...
by arizonagroovejet
Forum: Users
Topic: Looking for 64-bit version of ImageMagick for RedHat Linux
Replies: 2
Views: 3967

Re: Looking for 64-bit version of ImageMagick for RedHat Lin

Red Hat Linux was discontinued ten years ago ( so I'm assuming you mean I'm assuming you mean Red Hat Enterprise Linux. ;) Is there a reason you're looking for an rpm for ImageMagick rather than using version of ImageMagick that is included in Red Hat ...
by arizonagroovejet
Forum: Users
Topic: Using MIFF and piping to convert produces unexpected result
Replies: 12
Views: 8820

Re: Using MIFF and piping to convert produces unexpected res

If RANDOM is a system call and is giving you a random number, then it should always produce different colors, unless there is a way to set the seed value for RANDOM. It is and there is "RANDOM is an internal Bash function (not a constant) that returns a pseudorandom [1] integer in the range 0 ...
by arizonagroovejet
Forum: Users
Topic: Using MIFF and piping to convert produces unexpected result
Replies: 12
Views: 8820

Re: Using MIFF and piping to convert produces unexpected res

This seems to be the way that bash works with piping, and nothing to to with IM. But the image is generated before the pipe, isn't it? PNG:- means create an image in the PNG:- format and write it to stdout. MIFF:- means create an image in the MIFF format and write it to stdout. So these two ...