Search found 22 matches

by hwttdz
Forum: Users
Topic: Multiply by Kernel
Replies: 5
Views: 8323

Re: Multiply by Kernel

More specifically, I'm looking at this:
specifically the multiplication by circle/blurred circle.
by hwttdz
Forum: Users
Topic: Multiply by Kernel
Replies: 5
Views: 8323

Re: Multiply by Kernel

You cannot do that. 1) there is no Gaussian:0x2 by itself Right, I was wondering if I could automagically get one, in much the same way that I can automagically create a canvas using "-size 64x64 canvas:black". 2) -compose is associated with -composite and requires two images, generally the same ...
by hwttdz
Forum: Users
Topic: Multiply by Kernel
Replies: 5
Views: 8323

Multiply by Kernel

Is it possibly to multiply by a kernel, this could be very convenient. I'm trying variations of:

Code: Select all

convert test.ppm -compose Multiply "Gaussian:0x2" test_by_gaussian.ppm
by hwttdz
Forum: Users
Topic: Issue with black frames around system tray icons on import
Replies: 3
Views: 7547

Re: Issue with black frames around system tray icons on impo

Doesn't work in png either. Tried a few flags and wasn't able to make any progress. scrot seems to be a working replacement for the time being.
by hwttdz
Forum: Users
Topic: Issue with black frames around system tray icons on import
Replies: 3
Views: 7547

Issue with black frames around system tray icons on import

I'm trying to use import to capture a screenshot. Namely as:

import -descend -window root screenshot.jpg

but I get annoying black boxes around all my system tray icons, any thoughts?

by hwttdz
Forum: Users
Topic: Count fraction of pixels above or below certain value
Replies: 2
Views: 7558

Count fraction of pixels above or below certain value

Assuming I have a grayscale image is there a good way of counting the fraction of pixels with a value above or below a cutoff value? I'm planning on determining if I am clipping on either end of the histogram, but I'm not quite sure how to proceed. My thought it maybe to apply a curve operator which ...
by hwttdz
Forum: Users
Topic: Quickest way to do a large radius blur in grayscale
Replies: 12
Views: 23241

Re: Quickest way to do a large radius blur in grayscale

Both the magnitude and phase should have been the same format in my previous message. Also, interestingly after transforming to phase space and back again the size of the image increased about 3 fold. But there seem to be little if any visually perceptible differences between the original and the ...
by hwttdz
Forum: Users
Topic: Quickest way to do a large radius blur in grayscale
Replies: 12
Views: 23241

Re: Quickest way to do a large radius blur in grayscale

Well that only gives one output file, but I can't open it in the gimp. I guess I can play with the image in imagemagick later. Using ppm's for the intermediates seems appealing as I won't get errors from compression. The previous other than the warning seems to work, so I may as well stick with it ...
by hwttdz
Forum: Users
Topic: Quickest way to do a large radius blur in grayscale
Replies: 12
Views: 23241

Re: Quickest way to do a large radius blur in grayscale

I'll certainly try both (all) methods, hopefully some relative timings will be forthcoming in a bit. I've started with the fft method and have successfully built imagemagick with fft support, and it seems to be working, but I get a "convert: unbalanced parenthesis `)' @ error/convert.c ...
by hwttdz
Forum: Users
Topic: Quickest way to do a large radius blur in grayscale
Replies: 12
Views: 23241

Quickest way to do a large radius blur in grayscale

I would like to use in a script a very strongly blurred grayscale copy of an image and I am wondering at the relative speeds and advantage to the various methods I am currently using the gaussian-blur, but will compare the results of the gaussian-blur to those of blur. Additionally, it seems I can ...
by hwttdz
Forum: Users
Topic: masked compose plus vs compose multiply, then plus
Replies: 3
Views: 7900

Re: masked compose plus vs compose multiply, then plus

Sorry, I'm actually using convert -compose -composite (as suggested) and mangled it up in my attempt to post a minimum working example. So the ordering is correct. I'll try to update in original post. I've switched to ppm from jpg and my error has gone down from 807.5 (0.012) to 667.7 (0.010). The ...
by hwttdz
Forum: Users
Topic: masked compose plus vs compose multiply, then plus
Replies: 3
Views: 7900

masked compose plus vs compose multiply, then plus

I tried two different ways of getting what I expect to be the same output, the first is: C = A * mask; output = C + B; or in nearer IM syntax composite -compose multiply mask A C composite -compose plus C B output and the second is convert B A mask -compose plus -composite output which should give B ...
by hwttdz
Forum: Users
Topic: random from a distribution using fx
Replies: 2
Views: 6403

Re: random from a distribution using fx

What I arrived at (with linebreaks to improve readibility) is: -fx 'iso=32; rone=rand(); rtwo=rand(); myn=sqrt(-2*ln(rone))*cos(2*Pi*rtwo); myntwo=sqrt(-2*ln(rtwo))*cos(2*Pi*rone); pnoise=sqrt(p)*myn*sqrt(iso)*channel(4.28,3.86,6.68,0)/255; max(0,p+pnoise)' So you can see, while I needed a gaussian ...
by hwttdz
Forum: Users
Topic: random from a distribution using fx
Replies: 2
Views: 6403

random from a distribution using fx

I'm trying to compose an fx operation where output value = max( 0, input value + value from normal distribution with sigma) and I see I can get a random number, but I'd rather not make some crazy expression to go from uniform [0,1] random to normal random, besides doing so might be slow in ...
by hwttdz
Forum: Users
Topic: How to "Smart Sharpen," adaptive-sharpen not working
Replies: 23
Views: 117716

Re: How to "Smart Sharpen," adaptive-sharpen not working

Fred, I've posted some examples on the blog if you're interested (full size: ). Have you tried the script? I'd be interested to know what you think ...