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by whugemann
Forum: Users
Topic: dcraw conversion options
Replies: 0
Views: 195552

dcraw conversion options

After some experimenting, I succeeded in piping dcraw's output to ImageMagick, see As an alternative, I could probably edit the dcraw parameter settings in delegates.xml. However, there is only ...
by whugemann
Forum: Users
Topic: Preserve EXIF while conversation from TIF to TIF/TIF to JPG
Replies: 17
Views: 56741

Re: Preserve EXIF while conversation from TIF to TIF/TIF to JPG

This is the official answer of the development team: The TIFF delegate library has support for EXIF but we found it to be buggy. It often caused faults and exposed a security vector. We eventually disabled EXIF. Until we see improved support for EXIF in the TIFF delegate library, you will instead ...
by whugemann
Forum: Users
Topic: Preserve EXIF while conversation from TIF to TIF/TIF to JPG
Replies: 17
Views: 56741

Re: Preserve EXIF while conversation from TIF to TIF/TIF to JPG

I just ran into the same problem when converting RAW into TIFF, see It took me some time to find out that the problem was created solely by ImageMagick that deleted the Exif information during the conversion TIFF --> TIFF. And ...
by whugemann
Forum: Users
Topic: Piping from dcraw to ImageMagick?
Replies: 4
Views: 15146

Re: Piping from dcraw to ImageMagick?

I tried the piping version -- yesterday on my computer at home, running Windows 10, 64 bit and just now on my office computer running Windows 7, 32 bit. The latter has just thrown a different error when using IM's version of dcraw (9.27): dcraw laments that there is 'no disk'. Again, the unmodified ...
by whugemann
Forum: Users
Topic: Piping from dcraw to ImageMagick?
Replies: 4
Views: 15146

Re: Piping from dcraw to ImageMagick?

Yes, this does the trick! But, as far as I see, only with the original version of dcraw. If I use IM's modified version (which has the additional option -O) instead, IM reports that it cannot read the input file: magick: improper image header `C:/Users/Hugemann/AppData/Local/Temp/magick ...
by whugemann
Forum: Users
Topic: Piping from dcraw to ImageMagick?
Replies: 4
Views: 15146

Piping from dcraw to ImageMagick?

I am using a Windows appliction that calculates luminance from RAW images taken by a calibrated camera. This application allows me to define two command lines that convert the original photo into an 8-bit-TIFF for display on the monitor and a 16-bit-TIFF for evaluation of the luminance. The default ...
by whugemann
Forum: Users
Topic: Nikon D750 .nef raw conver
Replies: 22
Views: 34834

Re: Nikon D750 .nef raw conver

I think our misunderstanding arises from the point that your suggested delegate-command <delegate decode="LUM2" stealth="True" command="cmd.exe /c (F:/pictures/dcrawag.exe -q 3 -o 0 -4 -r 1 1 1 1 -S 65535 -T -O &quot;%u&quot; &quot;%i&quot;) &amp; (magick TIFF:%u -colorspace Gray -resize 600x600 %o ...
by whugemann
Forum: Users
Topic: Nikon D750 .nef raw conver
Replies: 22
Views: 34834

Re: Nikon D750 .nef raw conver

IM has no mechanism for taking arbitrary options from its command line and passing those to the delegate. I don't want to pass parameters to the delegate; I would like to be to be free of choice in regard to the operations that magick performs on the temporary file, for example scaling, a 3x3 ...
by whugemann
Forum: Users
Topic: Nikon D750 .nef raw conver
Replies: 22
Views: 34834

Re: Nikon D750 .nef raw conver

Although your suggestion works and solves my actual problem, I am not quite convinced: The result is pretty much the same as that of the batch file: C:\Programme\ImageMagick7\dcraw.exe -q 3 -o 0 -4 -r 1 1 1 1 -S 65535 -T -O "%~dp1temp.TIF" %1 magick "%~dp1temp.TIF" -distort barrel "0.0099 -0.0678 0 ...
by whugemann
Forum: Users
Topic: Nikon D750 .nef raw conver
Replies: 22
Views: 34834

Re: Nikon D750 .nef raw conver

I have a similar problem under Windows 10, 64 bit: I would like to develop a Sony RAW photo (*.arw) with my own settings and apply a lens correction to it. Following the hint given in this thread I arrived at: <delegate decode="LUMINANCE" stealth="True" command="dcraw.exe -q 3 -o 0 -4 -r 1 1 1 1 -S ...
by whugemann
Forum: Bugs
Topic: disappointed by -define jpeg:preserve-settings results
Replies: 10
Views: 43779

Re: disappointed by -define jpeg:preserve-settings results

I think that only the programmers could really answer that question. My impression is that this option just does nothing at the moment. Perhaps one could re-define it in a way that it really does what it claims, i.e. leaving everything, including the DQTs, untouched. Checking out the other options ...
by whugemann
Forum: Bugs
Topic: disappointed by -define jpeg:preserve-settings results
Replies: 10
Views: 43779

Re: disappointed by -define jpeg:preserve-settings results

The documentation is out-of-date. We preserve sampling factor and image quality but not the quantization tables. The Usage page still hasn't got it quite right IMHO, as it skips the point that these settings are kept automatically. However: Why ...
by whugemann
Forum: Developers
Topic: SET DQT via -define jpeg:q-table
Replies: 1
Views: 13070

SET DQT via -define jpeg:q-table

I have just been experimenting with this option on my Windows computer, running IM 7.0.8-23 Q16 x64: magick -size 256x256 -depth 8 -seed 1000 plasma:fractal -define jpeg:q-table="C:\Temp\Erich\table.xml" plasma_my.jpg checking the DQT afterwards with JPEGsnoop ( ...
by whugemann
Forum: Developers
Topic: Estimating JPEG Quality
Replies: 1
Views: 13070

Re: Estimating JPEG Quality

I took a closer look at the code and found out myself: Basically, IM calculates the sum of all DQT entries and compares it directly to the sum of the IJG table entries, which is pre-calculated and stored in the vector sums[101]. The same is done for the sums of the two table entries no. 2 and 53 ...
by whugemann
Forum: Developers
Topic: Estimating JPEG Quality
Replies: 1
Views: 13070

Estimating JPEG Quality

I would like to know how IM estimates the JPEG Quality. I took a look at the code in jpeg.c, and it obviously calculates it from the DQT (around line 922). I know about the way how quality is translated into DQT as suggested by the IJG. But to my knowledge the IJG made no suugestion for the other ...