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by errx
Forum: Users
Topic: extent & alpha background
Replies: 1
Views: 5769

extent & alpha background

I have image with alpha background. But after extent it

Code: Select all

convert -extent 100x100 in.gif out.gif
my background isnt transparent anymore. How can I fix it?
by errx
Forum: Users
Topic: resize & append
Replies: 1
Views: 3706

resize & append

I have first image with dimensions:30x40 and second 500x200

I want to append small image to the big one (using -append) but before appending I want to resize canvas (not image) of the small image to second image dimensions (500x200). Is it possible to do this with a single command?
by errx
Forum: Users
Topic: append image from stdin to itself
Replies: 2
Views: 4611

Re: append image from stdin to itself

I guess i found the solution:
convert - -clone 0 +append out.gif
by errx
Forum: Users
Topic: append image from stdin to itself
Replies: 2
Views: 4611

append image from stdin to itself

I am receiving image data from stdin and I want to append it to itself without creating temporary files. Is it possible?
Here is the solution with temporary files:
1. save stdin to tmp.file
2. convert tmp.file tmp.file +append result.img