Search found 28 matches
- 2017-03-22T00:44:24-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: Magick++ setting options for zip and lzw coders
- Replies: 2
- Views: 3898
Re: Magick++ setting options for zip and lzw coders
I can confirm that quality does affect compressType ZipCompression (and LZWCompression, if I recall), but I mean access to the actual zip settings (fastbytes and passes) rather than presets.
- 2017-03-21T02:59:15-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: Magick++ setting options for zip and lzw coders
- Replies: 2
- Views: 3898
Magick++ setting options for zip and lzw coders
I was just wondering if it's possible to set options for the zip and lzw coders? When using LZWCompression or ZipCompression, quality does not seem to affect them (which makes sense, as quality is for the image itself, and LZW/Zip are being used as wrappers).
- 2017-03-12T05:58:25-07:00
- Forum: Bugs
- Topic: Bug when building IM from source
- Replies: 3
- Views: 7577
Re: Bug when building IM from source
No worries, jumping from my (very) old version to this, as well as updating MSVS (and Boost), gave me about 40% increased speed, so commenting out two lines is a small price to pay ;p
- 2017-03-03T20:03:07-07:00
- Forum: Bugs
- Topic: Bug when building IM from source
- Replies: 3
- Views: 7577
Bug when building IM from source
Platform: Win 10 x64 Compiler: MSVS 2017 v15.0.0-RC.4+26206.0 Building: Release/x64 C/C++ commandline: /MP /GS /W3 /Gy /Zc:wchar_t /I"..\..\contrib\win32\ATL7\ImageMagickObject" /I"..\..\ImageMagick" /Zi /Gm- /Ox /Ob2 /Fd"..\bin\ImageMagickObject.pdb" /Zc:inline /fp:precise /D "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS ...
- 2017-02-25T09:32:37-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: *writing* a multi-page pdf with Magick++ [SOLVED]
- Replies: 7
- Views: 9317
Re: *writing* a multi-page pdf with Magick++ [SOLVED]
As the documentation on this isn't the best, I thought that I'd share my experiences with writeImages (specifically with PDFs, though it may apply to other formats as well): 1) It is surprisingly fast. I guess that isn't really anything that you'd expect to find out, but in my case (extremely high ...
- 2017-02-25T06:46:44-07:00
- Forum: Magick++
- Topic: [SOLVED] possible bug with read("label:") and strokewidth
- Replies: 0
- Views: 21151
[SOLVED] possible bug with read("label:") and strokewidth
Edit: Solved via update to latest IM version. Will leave up in case anyone else has the same issue in the future. OK, so I've searched the forums and found a couple of somewhat related threads over in the IM-user forum: ...
- 2017-02-19T09:01:40-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: *writing* a multi-page pdf with Magick++ [SOLVED]
- Replies: 7
- Views: 9317
Re: *writing* a multi-page pdf with Magick++
Much thanks for the quick response! I'm already using readImages for the PDF extractor program, so I'm all good. Should have thought of the likelihood of an inverse function... Just in case someone comes across this with a similar question, here is the relevant snippet from my extractor program: std ...
- 2017-02-19T07:29:08-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: *writing* a multi-page pdf with Magick++ [SOLVED]
- Replies: 7
- Views: 9317
*writing* a multi-page pdf with Magick++ [SOLVED]
Just finished a robust PDF-to-Image program, and figured that I could reuse most of the code to replace the old Imagemagick script that I've been using for years to create high-quality PDFs from images. However, the ability to output multi-page PDFs is mandatory, and I have no idea how to handle it ...
- 2016-11-07T22:35:59-07:00
- Forum: Magick++
- Topic: optimizing performance in my application
- Replies: 5
- Views: 17612
Re: optimizing performance in my application
I don't explicitly use pixel caches, are they used implicitly as part of the internal functions? And if so, then cacheThreshold should let me set it high enough to eliminate paging? FYI, I'm on Win10x64 (my Linux server is not nearly as beefy), compiling as 64-bit, and have no limits on mem use.
- 2016-11-07T20:55:15-07:00
- Forum: Magick++
- Topic: optimizing performance in my application
- Replies: 5
- Views: 17612
Re: optimizing performance in my application
Thanks, I write the pngs out with no compression (I use an external optimization program) -- and only write the image out once, when it is fully processed. That is to say, I can tell the program "make a flashcard for each image in folder X", and it will write as many images (flashcards) as are in ...
- 2016-11-07T18:39:04-07:00
- Forum: Magick++
- Topic: optimizing performance in my application
- Replies: 5
- Views: 17612
optimizing performance in my application
Okay, so I have a working and nearly feature complete application. At this point, I'm beginning to work on optimization rather than just getting it to do what I want. FYI, I'm not a professional programmer, but have worked on and off with Magick++ for several years. What the program does, in a ...
- 2014-05-18T18:36:16-07:00
- Forum: Magick++
- Topic: Unicode (Japanese) characters in Magick++
- Replies: 0
- Views: 9296
Unicode (Japanese) characters in Magick++
I'm having some difficulty implementing Unicode (Japanese character) support in my Magick++ program. It works fine when using the ImageMagick executable to carry out the same operation. I have tried both passing it as an argument and hardcoding some characters into the program, and neither works ...
- 2013-12-31T06:10:35-07:00
- Forum: Magick++
- Topic: interline spacing, interword spacing, kerning
- Replies: 3
- Views: 15008
Re: interline spacing, interword spacing, kerning
much thanks!!
- 2013-12-31T04:50:34-07:00
- Forum: Magick++
- Topic: interline spacing, interword spacing, kerning
- Replies: 3
- Views: 15008
interline spacing, interword spacing, kerning
ImageMagick has the three text-related parameters: "interline spacing," "interword spacing," and "kerning." These allow fine-grained control over the outputted text. However, I can't seem to find the related options in the Magick++ API. Do they exist, and if so, what are they called? If not, how ...
- 2013-07-13T18:11:31-07:00
- Forum: Magick++
- Topic: LAB/LUV colorspace support
- Replies: 2
- Views: 8861
Re: LAB/LUV colorspace support
works like a charm, thanks!