thanks, it works perfect for me !
does exactly what I need
another question: can you make little 'IM' jobs for me ?
I still have some work where I have no solutions ....
I like to pay for good solutions
or you know who make it
many thanks for the help. i understand the point 1. and 2. and i think i understand the way from 3. and 4. on the hompage "Gain and Bias" i can see that i have to read the infos of the image, but i dont understand, how i can do it with (-level) can you give me a example ? or is necessary to develop ...
hello all..., give it a solution tu use [ convert -normalize ] but ignore any edges of a image ? for example: only calculate 85% (yellow part) of the image and ignore 15% of the edges. the result have to be like my image out.jpg , ( but with the edges !! ) . my example image in.jpg , white or black ...
hello, when i start a php exec a bash script with a 'convert IM script', i get the error message: " convert: unrecognized option `-brightness-contrast' @ convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/791." but: i can start directly the bash-shell without any errors i can start a php script with directly ...
convert Q.jpg -fuzz 20% -format "%@" info: 319x121+15+39 or convert Q.jpg -fuzz 20% -format "%@" info: | tr "x" " " | sed 's/+/ +/g' 319 121 +15 +39 vs convert Q.jpg -fuzz 20% -trim -format "%w %h %X %Y" info: 319 121 +15 +39 i tested the different way with 20 large images , is exactly the same run ...
oh ... thanks
with the -format "%@" the script can run faster.
i think the performance of the script is a important factor for very large and thousends of images.
now i have a shell-script written, that exactly convert what i need #!/bin/sh ## settings: I="Q.jpg" ## image filename F=20 ## -fuzz % B="black" ## bordercolor h=180 ## h = max border trim ###################################################### FULL=`convert $I -format "%w %h" info:` TRIM=`convert $I ...
no, is not a 'bad trim'
i think the IM 'trim' function is a perfectly solution for 'auto-crop' the most images with color-borders .
only i need defined limits of crop.
if i fill out the image after trimming, the problem is the position of the trimmed part. here a example with the moon: example A after convert A.jpg -bordercolor black -fuzz 20% -trim B.jpg if i fill out to the original size , the moon is in the middle of the ...
ok, examples: Image A and B all images have different borders ! with trim i can auto-crop perfectly (example B) if IM 'trim' not can find out the difference between border and background (example A) IM trim the half image. i ...
how i can convert -trim images with black borders , but many images have also a big black background. how i can 'trim' not more then for example 15-20 pixels on the edge ?