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by kaefert
Forum: Users
Topic: Imagemagick deepzoom - tiling and resizing huge pictures
Replies: 37
Views: 41151

Re: Imagemagick deepzoom - tiling and resizing huge pictures

I've now dug up an older laptop of mine which still runs on Linux Mint 18.3 Sylvia with
ImageMagick version 6.8.9-9 Q16 x86_64 2018-09-28

With this my above scripts work with a reasonable speed. And the mpc cache file is only 50gb instead of 100gb in size.
by kaefert
Forum: Users
Topic: Imagemagick deepzoom - tiling and resizing huge pictures
Replies: 37
Views: 41151

Re: Imagemagick deepzoom - tiling and resizing huge pictures

I've tried your example and unlike with my own mpc file it doesn't copy the cache when the second call runs, but it still reads the whole cache instead of just the part that it needs for the cropped area (and therefore takes minutes instead of seconds) update: I've ran the second line a second time ...
by kaefert
Forum: Users
Topic: Imagemagick deepzoom - tiling and resizing huge pictures
Replies: 37
Views: 41151

Re: Imagemagick deepzoom - tiling and resizing huge pictures

the mpc file has been created with IM7 and I'm using it with IM7. The problem is not that there is some incompatibility throwing an error, but that it's completely read and copied to a new temporary pixelcache file of the exact same size instead of it beeing just used directly like with whatever ...
by kaefert
Forum: Users
Topic: Imagemagick deepzoom - tiling and resizing huge pictures
Replies: 37
Views: 41151

Re: Imagemagick deepzoom - tiling and resizing huge pictures

so sadly this doesn't work anymore with new imagemagick versions. I've just converted a 2gb lzw compressed tiff file into an 93gb mpc (cache) file but upon trying to use this mpc file in another imagemagick call it copies it to the tmp directory instead of just reading it directly. Version ...
by kaefert
Forum: Users
Topic: Imagemagick deepzoom - tiling and resizing huge pictures
Replies: 37
Views: 41151

Re: Imagemagick deepzoom - tiling and resizing huge pictures

Okey, So I've written myself two shell scripts: one to do the tiling of an image that has already been converted into the mpc format: #!/bin/bash #usage: #./ wall2-right_merged_55697px.mpc 55697 871 mpcin=$1 picsize=$2 tilesize=$3 tiledir=$4 if [ -z ${tiledir+x} ]; then tiledir="tiles ...
by kaefert
Forum: Users
Topic: Imagemagick deepzoom - tiling and resizing huge pictures
Replies: 37
Views: 41151

Re: Imagemagick deepzoom - tiling and resizing huge pictures

okey, so the route to tiling the original image is clear, now I need to make it a pyramid - so tiles that are downscaled so that one tile will represent 4 tiles of the layer above it So the quality wise best route would surly be to resize the orignal image like that: convert -verbose -monitor -limit ...
by kaefert
Forum: Users
Topic: Imagemagick deepzoom - tiling and resizing huge pictures
Replies: 37
Views: 41151

Re: Imagemagick deepzoom - tiling and resizing huge pictures

snibgo wrote:Good stuff. So the trick is to crop from mpc? Excellent.

(My poor old laptop is still struggling to create the mpc! Ha!)
I did it over night, I guess it took around 6 hours. (on my old laptop, my new one is still working on my first try (see first post)
I think I'm gonna cancel that one now ;)
by kaefert
Forum: Users
Topic: Imagemagick deepzoom - tiling and resizing huge pictures
Replies: 37
Views: 41151

Re: Imagemagick deepzoom - tiling and resizing huge pictures

hmmm, what's wrong here? I can't finde the mistake - the first line works, the second one fails $ convert -limit memory 32 -limit map 32 wall1-front-merged.mpc -crop 871x871+1742+1742 +repage w1t_2_2.jpg $ convert -limit memory 32 -limit map 32 wall1-front-merged.mpc -crop 871x871+85358+41808 ...
by kaefert
Forum: Users
Topic: Imagemagick deepzoom - tiling and resizing huge pictures
Replies: 37
Views: 41151

Re: Imagemagick deepzoom - tiling and resizing huge pictures

Did you try adding -limit memory 32 -limit map 32 to see if that made it even faster? I did now, it seems it does! thanks for the hint! $ date +%H:%M:%S:%N 07:30:47:174675193 $ convert -limit memory 32 -limit map 32 wall1-front-merged.mpc -crop 871x871+1742+1742 +repage w1t_2_2.jpg $ date +%H:%M:%S ...
by kaefert
Forum: Users
Topic: Imagemagick deepzoom - tiling and resizing huge pictures
Replies: 37
Views: 41151

Re: Imagemagick deepzoom - tiling and resizing huge pictures

cropping the mpc is increadibly fast for me, with verbose and monitor it takes around 6 seconds, without them half a second -->

Code: Select all

$ date +%H:%M:%S:%N
$ convert wall1-front-merged.mpc -crop 871x871+1742+1742 +repage w1t_2_2.jpg
$ date +%H:%M:%S:%N
by kaefert
Forum: Users
Topic: Imagemagick deepzoom - tiling and resizing huge pictures
Replies: 37
Views: 41151

Re: Imagemagick deepzoom - tiling and resizing huge pictures

well 45 hours are long past since I've started my cropping. htop tells me my convert process has used over 94 hours of processing time, and I think it have been around 5 days in real time. Next time I'll be sure to use -verbose and -monitor to know whats going on... ps.: what does the -synchronize ...
by kaefert
Forum: Users
Topic: Imagemagick deepzoom - tiling and resizing huge pictures
Replies: 37
Views: 41151

Re: Imagemagick deepzoom - tiling and resizing huge pictures

hmm, well I guess the developers of most tools don't test their creations with pictures of such dimensions, probably because of the incredible time requirements to do so...
by kaefert
Forum: Users
Topic: Imagemagick deepzoom - tiling and resizing huge pictures
Replies: 37
Views: 41151

Re: Imagemagick deepzoom - tiling and resizing huge pictures

snibgo wrote:I'm doing tests, and will do with your file when it downloads, but every test takes hours (or days or weeks...).
Yep I know.. Really huge thanks from me for helping me with this!
by kaefert
Forum: Users
Topic: Imagemagick deepzoom - tiling and resizing huge pictures
Replies: 37
Views: 41151

Re: Imagemagick deepzoom - tiling and resizing huge pictures

Ah okey, with creating the input image you really meant creating the input file in a previous step. I've created it with gimp, and I don't know if and where gimp would allow to set such parameters. I've used LZW compression to save it, maybe it would have been better to use uncompressed tiff. But if ...
by kaefert
Forum: Users
Topic: Imagemagick deepzoom - tiling and resizing huge pictures
Replies: 37
Views: 41151

Re: Imagemagick deepzoom - tiling and resizing huge pictures

convert -define tiff:rows-per-strip=1 wall1-front-merged.tif -monitor -limit memory 32 -limit map 32 \ \( +clone -crop 871x871+0+0 -write w1t_0_0.jpg +delete \) \ \( +clone -crop 871x871+871+0 -write w1t_1_0.jpg +delete \) \ \( +clone -crop 871x871+1742+0 -write w1t_2_0.jpg +delete \) \ \( +clone ...