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by cydog
Forum: Users
Topic: SVG to PNG: Text shadow
Replies: 7
Views: 4946

Re: SVG to PNG: Text shadow

Inkscape v0.48 and v0.91 can render base64 embedded in SVG. Seems like you're right. There were some issues with the SVG code (complained something about If you try the following two filters: <filter id="pr_dropshadow_real_1" x="-40%" y="0" width="200%" height="200%"> <feGaussianBlur in ...
by cydog
Forum: Users
Topic: SVG to PNG: Text shadow
Replies: 7
Views: 4946

Re: SVG to PNG: Text shadow

Just tried Inkscape again, with updated version: Inkscape 0.91 r13725 (Feb 11 2015) Doesn't read the base64 encoded images, once again. However, are there any settings or something that you can change in ImageMagick, so that it renders exactly like web browsers do? Or, is there a way in Linux, to ...
by cydog
Forum: Users
Topic: SVG to PNG: Text shadow
Replies: 7
Views: 4946

Re: SVG to PNG: Text shadow

Sorry, my crystal ball doesn't work. If you put up an SVG file, I can try it out. You do realise, I suppose, that Internet Explorer may be displaying it incorrectly. EDIT: I should add that the SVG specification rarely says exactly what a result should look like, and renderers may do different ...
by cydog
Forum: Users
Topic: SVG to PNG: Text shadow
Replies: 7
Views: 4946

Re: SVG to PNG: Text shadow

The answer is usually to make Inkscape the delegate. I'm surprised that it can't process base64. You are running a very old IM. Is your Inkscape just as old? If you put an SVG file somewhere like and paste the link here, I can take a look. Or paste the contents of the SVG here between ...
by cydog
Forum: Users
Topic: SVG to PNG: Text shadow
Replies: 7
Views: 4946

SVG to PNG: Text shadow

Hey. I'm trying to convert some SVG code to PNG. My SVG contains of both text and images (base64-encoded). I have been viewing the SVG file in Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer. It looks good. On Linux, I'm running: convert <file>.svg <file>.png Here is what I get in return ...