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by GeeMack
Forum: Bugs
Topic: Issue with "-compose lighten" with IM 7.0.8-68
Replies: 3
Views: 116474

Issue with "-compose lighten" with IM 7.0.8-68

Using ImageMagick 7.0.8-68 Q16 x64 HDRI on Windows 10. With this release the "-compose lighten" method seems to be broken. With previous versions this command would place the built-in "granite:" image over the built-in "wizard:", and only partially lighten the 128x128 area in the center. magick ...
by GeeMack
Forum: Users
Topic: joining images of different dimensions with automatic resizing according to smallest
Replies: 3
Views: 98382

Re: joining images of different dimensions with automatic resizing according to smallest

Can this be done in a single command ? Moreover, if we do not have information about image sizes then is there any operator that joins images vertically after resizing all images in a group to one with lowest y dimension ? This can be done, but a command with IMv6 would be complicated and pretty ...
by GeeMack
Forum: Users
Topic: choose starting frame (different than frame 0) for a GIF
Replies: 4
Views: 21872

Re: choose starting frame (different than frame 0) for a GIF

If you want to take some frames from the beginning and put them at the end, you can use "-duplicate" and "-delete" like this... convert input.gif -duplicate 1,0-4 -delete 0-4 result.gif That would duplicate five frames from the beginning, frames number 0 through 4, and place them at the end of the ...
by GeeMack
Forum: Bugs
Topic: Error image read from windows clipboard (copy from chrome)
Replies: 10
Views: 136610

Re: Error image read from windows clipboard (copy from chrome)

Windows 10 has an issue with the way it handles grayscale images in its clipboard that causes alignment problems for ImageMagick. Find a description of this problem from a couple years ago at THIS LINK. Possibly this is a related issue.
by GeeMack
Forum: Users
Topic: Ellipse cropping from GIMP parameters
Replies: 3
Views: 14241

Re: Ellipse cropping from GIMP parameters

Is there any method to use x,y,w,h values for oval cropping? The example provided above by snibgo uses "-draw" with "ellipse" to create an ellipse. That's a good simple solution that requires you to define an X and Y center point, and a width and height radius from that point. As an alternative ...
by GeeMack
Forum: Users
Topic: transparency changes in IM 7
Replies: 11
Views: 34788

Re: transparency changes in IM 7

Any ideas how to adjust that? Another method for achieving this result would be to create a transparent canvas first, then read in the main input image, then the shamrock mask. imageMagick's default behavior when doing a "-composite" operation with three inputs is to use the third image as a mask ...
by GeeMack
Forum: Users
Topic: Create stack of identical images with transparent overlap
Replies: 4
Views: 15768

Re: Create stack of identical images with transparent overlap

It seems to be the compositing that I'm having a problem with. As soon as I composite the images, the white border comes back again. A single command would be ideal. Do you have an example I can use as a startung point? Here's a command with ImageMagick v7 that does pretty much what you're trying ...
by GeeMack
Forum: Users
Topic: Adding a colored aura around an image
Replies: 7
Views: 21621

Re: Adding a colored aura around an image

You can do that sort of using distort depolar/polar combination (cartesian to polar and polar to cartesian). Working from your idea of spreading the colors outward from the image, I came up with a few ways to create an aura or halo effect using some other standard IM operations. Method 1... magick ...
by GeeMack
Forum: Users
Topic: Adding a colored aura around an image
Replies: 7
Views: 21621

Re: Adding a colored aura around an image

How would I go about specifying the color of the aura? If you want the "aura" to follow the contour of the image, you can colorize the image to a solid color of your choice, dilate it, and blur it, then composite the original back over that "aura" with a command like this... magick books.png -write ...
by GeeMack
Forum: Users
Topic: Creating character sheets using IM
Replies: 16
Views: 42735

Re: Creating character sheets using IM

Yeah, i think the lack of the red pixels made the screen on the steering wheel render garbled... This command determines where the edge of the character is, then adds a red dot at the top on the third pixel to the right of each character. It uses "-trim" to get the width of the character, so there ...
by GeeMack
Forum: Users
Topic: Creating character sheets using IM
Replies: 16
Views: 42735

Re: Creating character sheets using IM

But the dimensions of each box (counting the 1px border of top and left) are of 20x26px, and each character are graviting West, but with the bottom offset half of the top (eg. 4px to the bottom of the box, and 8px of the top). I tried to change the values to suit but i got a disarranged charset ...
by GeeMack
Forum: Users
Topic: Creating character sheets using IM
Replies: 16
Views: 42735

Re: Creating character sheets using IM

But what if the font isnt monospaced? I have a Windows script that creates a character display like what you describe. I modified it a bit and tested it with ImageMagick 6.8.9-9 on a bash shell. The first part of it uses a couple "for" loops and "sed" to create a text file containing a list of all ...
by GeeMack
Forum: Bugs
Topic: 7.0.8-60 issue with "-background none" and "-swirl"
Replies: 5
Views: 99806

Re: 7.0.8-60 issue with "-background none" and "-swirl"

Why do you need the -background none? I see the same thing with IM Q16 MAC OSX. But I do not understand why you would want the background set to none. The example is just reduced to the fewest operations to show the issue. I often use dozens of operations in a single command, and ...
by GeeMack
Forum: Bugs
Topic: 7.0.8-60 issue with "-background none" and "-swirl"
Replies: 5
Views: 99806

7.0.8-60 issue with "-background none" and "-swirl"

Using ImageMagick 7.0.8-60 Q16 x64 HDRI on Windows 10, I've been getting unexpected results if I set "-background none" somewhere in the command ahead of a "-swirl" operation. This command produces the following result... magick wizard: -background none -swirl 90 result.png ...
by GeeMack
Forum: Users
Topic: How do I crop an image from a blank area
Replies: 3
Views: 13397

Re: How do I crop an image from a blank area

In A,The shaded portion of the picture represents an image,the blue dotted box indicates the area I want to crop. I want a picture like B,the white space is transparent,But I can only get a picture of what C looks like,image pixels are always filled from the top. A great method was provided already ...