Search found 14 matches

by Videomajk
Forum: Users
Topic: Percent escape and strokewidth
Replies: 3
Views: 2866

Re: Percent escape and strokewidth

Thanks, it's always the commas or semicolons that screws up the code ;-). The comma is used in Sweden instead of the decimal point for decimal indication, which I sometimes forgets.
BTW, the parameter is used elsewhere, I just didn't copy the whole code.
by Videomajk
Forum: Users
Topic: Percent escape and strokewidth
Replies: 3
Views: 2866

Percent escape and strokewidth

I'm trying to draw a rectangle with a variable strokewidth using a percent escape like this (win bat-file formated, therefore the double %-signs): magick source.jpg^ -set option:tjock %%[fx:h*0,03] ^ -bordercolor black ^ -stroke black ^ -strokewidth %%[tjock] ^ -draw "rectangle 10,10 100,100" ^ test ...
by Videomajk
Forum: Users
Topic: Annotate in all CAPS
Replies: 4
Views: 3297

Re: Annotate in all CAPS

Thanks everyone.
I think I'll try to find a font with an all caps style.
by Videomajk
Forum: Users
Topic: Annotate in all CAPS
Replies: 4
Views: 3297

Annotate in all CAPS

Hello I want to extract a piece of IPTC metadata from an image and use annotate to write it onto the image. I use the following command: -font Bitstream-Arrus-Italic-BT -pointsize 14 -annotate 0x0+0+20 "%[IPTC:2:92]" The problem is that I want to type the ITPC value in all caps, ragardles of how the ...
by Videomajk
Forum: Users
Topic: Calculating with varaiables
Replies: 7
Views: 4233

Re: Calculating with varaiables

But I don't use Lightroom. I suppose that uses the first IM on the system path, or in some declared directory, or something. In the plugin I'm using (LR/Mogfrify 2) I need to point out the path to mogrify.exe, so I suppose that won't be a problem. I'll try to install IM 7. It seems to be better in ...
by Videomajk
Forum: Users
Topic: Calculating with varaiables
Replies: 7
Views: 4233

Re: Calculating with varaiables

Okey, then I might concider migrating to IM7. My problem is that I have a Lightroom plugin that not yet support IM7 and I doubt that I can have both versions installed at the same time.
by Videomajk
Forum: Users
Topic: Calculating with varaiables
Replies: 7
Views: 4233

Re: Aclculating with varaiables

Hello and thank you.
I have figured that out, but If I want to do something more complicated than this example, where I need different fractions of the rh and rw for different part of the image. Is the only way to do that to set different parameters with -set:option?
by Videomajk
Forum: Users
Topic: Calculating with varaiables
Replies: 7
Views: 4233

Calculating with varaiables

Hello I have a question regarding how to use parameters definde with -set option together with fx percent escapes. This is an example from convert rose: -set option:rw %w -set option:rh %h +delete \ logo: -alpha set -virtual-pixel transparent ...
by Videomajk
Forum: Users
Topic: Dynamic blur command
Replies: 2
Views: 2108

Dynamic blur command

Hello I'm trying to create a dynamic blur effect where the sigma value is dependent on other image value. I've tried this: -blur 0x%%[fx:h/400] I understand from other posts that this is not supported by the blurr command. Is there Another way of achiving this effect? My IM version is 6.9.7 on Win10.
by Videomajk
Forum: Users
Topic: [Resolved] Creating border of equal percent of image hight
Replies: 11
Views: 5418

Re: [Resolved] Creating border of equal percent of image hight

Thanks, then I know. All the best to both of you.
by Videomajk
Forum: Users
Topic: [Resolved] Creating border of equal percent of image hight
Replies: 11
Views: 5418

Re: Creating border of equal percent of image hight

Thanks for all the help! GeeMack's script worked exactly as I imagined it should. The script is however quite slow when processing 88 MP images, but that's probably not because of the script :) . Just a few ending questions: Is there an advantage writing temp images to MPR rather than using the ...
by Videomajk
Forum: Users
Topic: [Resolved] Creating border of equal percent of image hight
Replies: 11
Views: 5418

Re: Creating border of equal percent of image hight

Yes, I Think you are right with calculating the parameters in advance, but I just can't figure out how to put the reuslt of a convert calculation into a Win Batch file variable. Doing somthing like this just doesn't work for me, so I'm probably doing it wrong: SET size="convert image.jpg -format ...
by Videomajk
Forum: Users
Topic: [Resolved] Creating border of equal percent of image hight
Replies: 11
Views: 5418

Re: Creating border of equal percent of image hight

Thanks, that gave me a few good tips. The White border was a try to get the right dimensions for the final picture. However, I see a few problems with this code. First the top image is not centerd horisontaly over the bottom one. Secondly the "Resize 116%x130%" does not allow for different aspect ...
by Videomajk
Forum: Users
Topic: [Resolved] Creating border of equal percent of image hight
Replies: 11
Views: 5418

[Resolved] Creating border of equal percent of image hight

Hello. This is my first attemt to use ImageMagick to create a "passe-partout" effect to my photos. I've made a mock-up in PS so you can understand what I'm aiming at: The idea is to duplicate the original image, blur it and scale it to fit the ...