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by soyxan
Forum: Users
Topic: PANGO center vertically
Replies: 4
Views: 7061

Re: PANGO center vertically

With the following command I get the text in the upper position (not centered vertically)

Code: Select all

convert -size 320x96 -background black xc:white ( -gravity Center -background red -font "Verdana" -pointsize 32 pango:test ) -gravity center -composite output.jpg
by soyxan
Forum: Users
Topic: PANGO center vertically
Replies: 4
Views: 7061

PANGO center vertically

By default pango: command can be centered horizontally with "-gravity Center". How can I center vertically given a canvas size? I am trying to do it this way with no success (my canvas size is 320x96): convert -size 320x96 -background black ( -gravity Center -background red -font %1 -pointsize %2 ...
by soyxan
Forum: Magick++
Topic: API library versions?
Replies: 4
Views: 106907

Re: API library versions?

As far I can understand, I have to install the package libmagick++, but which one?
libmagick++-6.q16-dev - object-oriented C++ interface to ImageMagick - development files
libmagick++-dev - object-oriented C++ interface to ImageMagick

The idea is to have the last version fo the library.
by soyxan
Forum: Magick++
Topic: API library versions?
Replies: 4
Views: 106907

API library versions?

Hi, I want to delelop an application for the RaspberryPi in C++ that will use ImageMagick. I found that there is the Magick++ API but I am not quite sure which version/package I need to install: Following the instructions on a web site I installed the following package: sudo apt-get install ...
by soyxan
Forum: Users
Topic: Animated GIF with zoom effect
Replies: 2
Views: 7895

Re: Animated GIF with zoom effect

Maybe the problem was Internet Explorer as a viewer. In any case your suggestion (SRT) worked like a charm!
Thanks a lot!
by soyxan
Forum: Users
Topic: Animated GIF with zoom effect
Replies: 2
Views: 7895

Animated GIF with zoom effect

I am planning to do a simple zoom effect with a picture and save it as an animated GIF. This is my command: magick rose: -duplicate 100 -resize %[fx:10+t]% -set delay 15 -loop 0 rose.gif But I get a gif with no animation, just showing the first frame (resize 10%). The strange thing is that if I run ...