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by cantilever
Forum: Users
Topic: Animated Anaglyph
Replies: 1
Views: 2065

Animated Anaglyph

- ImageMagick-7.0.6-0-Q16-x64 - Windows 10 What is the best way to process an animated gif to produce a 3d anaglyph? My current multi-step process works but I think it may have redundancies / processor-intensive. I'm looking to simplify the code if possible: 1. magick convert "filepath[0-2 ...
by cantilever
Forum: Users
Topic: 'Reverse' Anaglyph [solved]
Replies: 7
Views: 5000

Re: 'Reverse' Anaglyph

Looks like the background color was the culprit - thanks for walking through the process!
by cantilever
Forum: Users
Topic: 'Reverse' Anaglyph [solved]
Replies: 7
Views: 5000

Re: 'Reverse' Anaglyph

It's most likely an issue with the background coloring and not the organization/transparency of the channels. I think I will revisit this with a darker photography backdrop...
by cantilever
Forum: Users
Topic: 'Reverse' Anaglyph [solved]
Replies: 7
Views: 5000

Re: 'Reverse' Anaglyph

Thanks for the quick response. The -roll seems to shift only the cyan transparency to the left or right, which isn't exactly what I'm looking for. I'm not concerned with which direction or order the colors are in at the moment, moreso, I want to see the main image with a green/cyan overtone and let ...
by cantilever
Forum: Users
Topic: 'Reverse' Anaglyph [solved]
Replies: 7
Views: 5000

Re: 'Reverse' Anaglyph

ImageMagick-7.0.6-0-Q16-x64 - Windows 10 The -roll as it concerns these two scripts always repositions the cyan overlay. A better description would be as follows: the dominate/red image looks like the contents of the photo with the red channel overlaid whereas the cyan overlay looks transparent at ...
by cantilever
Forum: Users
Topic: 'Reverse' Anaglyph [solved]
Replies: 7
Views: 5000

'Reverse' Anaglyph [solved]

Hi All - I've used the following code to try and produce a red/cyan anaglyph: composite <filepath> -stereo +20+0 <filepath> anaglyph.jpg magick convert <filepath> -channel r -separate -roll +20+0 ( +channel <filepath> -separate -delete -3 ) +channel -combine anaglyph.jpg Both work - but both create ...