The image shows where 4 tiles come together (slightly up and right from the image centre). I haven't done any pre-processing, although the full images are a higher resolution than that snapshot. It possible that the cols2mat functionality you explain on your web page may do what I need so I'll give ...
Snibgo Thanks. Here's an example of where 4 of the tiles intersect. You can see the strong colour shift at the edges. What I'm going to do it convert to greyscale using -color-matrix "1 -0.5 -0.5 1 -0.5 -0.5 1 -0.5 -0.5" i.e. R-(G+B)/2 so I could do that ...
I have a large number (10k+) of aerial image tiles that have been colour matching in small groups. This means that between some pair of tiles there is a noticeable "cliff edge" as the tint of the changes. I'm hoping to use IM to correct this. I've tried using Snibgo's ImgGainBias batch files but ...
This code works great thanks. Can a similar command be used to get the values for all pixels if the -scale is larger than 1x1? E.g. magick 322_89.png -scale "4x4^!" test.txt puts the 16 pixel colours in a text file but without the filename etc. I'd want something like r.png (0,0) (128,190,20) r.png ...
hi I have a large number of images in nested folders. I would like to loop through the images (they are small pngs) and capture the average colour of the image and write to a text file. I've tried doing this with magick convert *.png -resize 1x1 all.txt which works but doesn't include the filename ...