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by troynguyen8
Forum: Developers
Topic: Quickest way to get an output image to show "structure" of the image
Replies: 3
Views: 10157

Re: Quickest way to get an output image to show "structure" of the image

Hey all, thank you for your responses. I have good direction from here! I hadn't realized that in IM 7 you can just specify `magick`, that's good to know! I had a couple of typos such as the 0x08 and -black, I apologize for that. To clarify, I had already converted my pdf to a png and that's what I ...
by troynguyen8
Forum: Developers
Topic: Quickest way to get an output image to show "structure" of the image
Replies: 3
Views: 10157

Quickest way to get an output image to show "structure" of the image

Magick version: Version: ImageMagick 7.0.8-11 Q16 x64 2018-08-29 Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2018 ImageMagick Studio LLC License: Visual C++: 180040629 Features: Cipher DPC Modules OpenMP Delegates (built-in): bzlib cairo ...
by troynguyen8
Forum: Developers
Topic: Magick Convert Evaluate Sequence OR Color on Mismatched Pixels
Replies: 9
Views: 17093

Re: Magick Convert Evaluate Sequence OR Color on Mismatched Pixels

This will loop over each image and compare to the first saving the difference as black in a white image. It multiplies each difference with the previous to note all the successive differences as more black and saves the result as mask.png. Then after the loop is done I use the mask to write red ...
by troynguyen8
Forum: Developers
Topic: Magick Convert Evaluate Sequence OR Color on Mismatched Pixels
Replies: 9
Views: 17093

Re: Magick Convert Evaluate Sequence OR Color on Mismatched Pixels

Post 4 or 5 or 6 images that you want to compare. I will try to write a script that will compare them sequentially and keep adding to the difference mask. Hey Fred, thanks again for the tremendous help. I could definitely try to figure it out myself! If you're still compelled to write such a script ...
by troynguyen8
Forum: Developers
Topic: Magick Convert Evaluate Sequence OR Color on Mismatched Pixels
Replies: 9
Views: 17093

Re: Magick Convert Evaluate Sequence OR Color on Mismatched Pixels

What you want is to do a difference and use that as a mask image to either make the difference transparent or red, for example. convert image1.jpg \ \( -clone 0 image2.jpg -compose difference -composite -threshold 10% -negate \) \ -compose copy_opacity -composite \ result.png http://www.fmwconcepts ...
by troynguyen8
Forum: Developers
Topic: Magick Convert Evaluate Sequence OR Color on Mismatched Pixels
Replies: 9
Views: 17093

Re: Magick Convert Evaluate Sequence OR Color on Mismatched Pixels

My apologies, this is my first time posting: IM Version: 7.0.8-12 Q16 x64 Platform: Windows Input1 File: Input2 File: Output File: The desired effect I'm trying to get is a result image that only has the ...
by troynguyen8
Forum: Developers
Topic: Magick Convert Evaluate Sequence OR Color on Mismatched Pixels
Replies: 9
Views: 17093

Magick Convert Evaluate Sequence OR Color on Mismatched Pixels

Hey all, right now I'm running magick convert -colorspace RGB img1.jpg img2.jpg -evaluate-sequence OR result.jpg to output a new image at result.jpg that only contains pixels present in both img1.jpg and img2.jpg However, for any pixels that aren't present in both img1.jpg and img2.jpg, the ...