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by Bonzo
Forum: Users
Topic: converting php string to shell command
Replies: 7
Views: 14632

Re: converting php string to shell command

I would write the code like this as you do not need to worry about so many escape characters. exec("/usr/bin/convert /home/domain/public_html/files/image.jpg -fill yellow -pointsize 30 -draw 'text 10,10 \"message_here\"' /home/domain/public_html/files/anno-image.jpg"); You can al...
by Bonzo
Forum: Users
Topic: Converting Nikon JPG images to PDF doesn't work
Replies: 8
Views: 14735

Re: Converting Nikon JPG images to PDF doesn't work

As I say I have 6.3.4 here on the XP machine and 6.3.5 on the server.
by Bonzo
Forum: Users
Topic: Converting Nikon JPG images to PDF doesn't work
Replies: 8
Views: 14735

Re: Converting Nikon JPG images to PDF doesn't work

The second image works OK as well but I am using php.

Just tried it on a windows XP machine with 6.3.3 Using command prompt worked OK.
by Bonzo
Forum: Users
Topic: Converting Nikon JPG images to PDF doesn't work
Replies: 8
Views: 14735

Re: Converting Nikon JPG images to PDF doesn't work

It worked OK for me version 6.3.5 ( I think ) 8)

Code: Select all

exec("convert aparker.pdf");
Image will be removed in 24hrs: ... parker.pdf
by Bonzo
Forum: Users
Topic: How to achieve pixellate effect
Replies: 5
Views: 10497

Re: How to achieve pixellate effect

From memory you want to resize the image smaller then scale it up. You will need to play around with this code.

Code: Select all

convert original.jpg -resize 20x20 -scale 200 new.jpg
by Bonzo
Forum: Users
Topic: How to achieve pixellate effect
Replies: 5
Views: 10497

Re: How to achieve pixellate effect

From one of Anthonys previous posts:
If you like the resize to 'pixelate' the image when enlarging set "-filter Pixel" or better still use the faster "-scale" resize operator.
I have seen an example of this somewhere probably on Anthonys example website.
by Bonzo
Forum: Users
Topic: Conversion RGB to Other format
Replies: 3
Views: 9912

Re: Conversion RGB to Other format

If your format is supported try:

Code: Select all

convert image_in.jpg -colorspace RGB image_out.jpg ... colorspace
by Bonzo
Forum: Users
Topic: Help me to watermark
Replies: 6
Views: 11982

Re: Help me to watermark

WHY HAVE YOU PUT -gravity ' . $params['gravity'] back in? If you take that out your code may work. $file_from = 'sunflower.jpg'; $need_y = '100'; $need_x = '100'; $file_to = 'nicolass1.jpg'; exec("convert $file_from -resize x{$need_y} -quality 70 -crop {$need_x}x{$need_y}+0+0 +repage -pointsize...
by Bonzo
Forum: Users
Topic: Help me to watermark
Replies: 6
Views: 11982

Re: Help me to watermark

The code I posted in your other thread worked for me on my server; I find it a bit hard to read your code with all the ' " and . so I changed it ! Once you get it working you can then put it how you want it. I am just using convert and I know from another recent post that you may need to use so...
by Bonzo
Forum: Users
Topic: Help me to watermark
Replies: 6
Views: 11982

Re: Help me to watermark

I put some watermarking code in your previous post as you asked then.
by Bonzo
Forum: Users
Topic: SIOX object extraction for IM?
Replies: 4
Views: 10255

Re: SIOX object extraction for IM?

I have used siox with Gimp and wonder how it would work with ImageMagick. The version I used in Gimp you had to outline a box area containing the item you were interested in extracting then the areas containg the colours to keep. From what I understand the latest version would be similar but you use...
by Bonzo
Forum: Users
Topic: How to get the best print quality from a TIF to JPG conversi
Replies: 3
Views: 7330

Re: How to get the best print quality from a TIF to JPG conversi

You are saving to a jpg twice so its using the jpg compression twice; if you are going to do 2 converts you need to save the first as a png or similar. I would have thought you could do it all in one convert: exec("convert plat.tif -resize 792x612 -density 300x300 -quality 100 plat.jpg");
by Bonzo
Forum: Users
Topic: -extent: Problems with position and background color
Replies: 2
Views: 9307

Re: -extent: Problems with position and background color

See this post ... f=1&t=9518

Change the xc:black to red and the -gravity to SouthEast, hopefuly that should do it.
by Bonzo
Forum: Users
Topic: Imagemagick and text problems
Replies: 3
Views: 7688

Re: Imagemagick and text problems

I do not know if this will help but this is a link to some tests I have done with word wrapping - php code. ... d_wrap.php

The text file test is the last one and it seems to wrap OK.