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by Bonzo
Forum: Users
Topic: convert: missing an image filename
Replies: 6
Views: 14279

Re: convert: missing an image filename

I have no idea how Solaris works but if you are working with the built in images in ImageMagick you only need to use logo: OR rose: NOT logo.jpg logo.jpg: rose.jpg or rose.jpg: ImageMagick will know what you are trying to use. There is a Solaris release of the ImageMagick install on this page http:/...
by Bonzo
Forum: Users
Topic: convert: missing an image filename
Replies: 6
Views: 14279

Re: convert: missing an image filename

You have not done what Pete said:

Code: Select all

convert -negate logo: logo.gif
by Bonzo
Forum: Users
Topic: Resize images without saving to file?
Replies: 6
Views: 15962

Re: Resize images without saving to file?

Just a random bit of code I have:

Code: Select all

exec("convert photo7.jpg -fill rgb\(255,0,0\) -opaque rgb\(170,170,170\) JPG:-");
As far as I know this part of the code JPG:- should display the image without saving it although it didn't work for me and I have not realy looked into it.
by Bonzo
Forum: Users
Topic: DXF Support
Replies: 2
Views: 11657

Re: DXF Support

I was wondering the same thing last week elisegev; I wanted to convert a dxf to pdf. I tried saving the dxf as a tiff and converted that to pdf. The quality was terrible with very jagged lines.
In the end I found a program that "Prints to pdf".
by Bonzo
Forum: Users
Topic: Complex Montage need soome help.
Replies: 1
Views: 4964

Re: Complex Montage need soome help.

I have not realy used montage but how about: Create an image with just a background -append the first 5 images ( will be vertical ) Call the blank image next and -append the other 3 images ( will be vertical ) next +append the two results. ( will be horizontal ) Its not very neat but may work for wh...
by Bonzo
Forum: Users
Topic: Problems specifying transparency for gif
Replies: 5
Views: 11173

Re: Problems specifying transparency for gif

Adding a link to your image would help. Is the black you are trying to convert to transparent actualy black or is it already transparent and it just the way its being displayed ? exec("convert original.jpg -fuzz 10% -transparent black transparent.gif"); The above works for me on my server,...
by Bonzo
Forum: Users
Topic: -rotate fill in triangles
Replies: 2
Views: 6296

Re: -rotate fill in triangles

A quick reply as I have to go; try using -background none for transparent background or -background black for a black background. convert 20070709110026L.jpg -background black -rotate -5 20070709110026L.jpg I have an example similar to what you want to do at
by Bonzo
Forum: Users
Topic: How do I draw a pixel in a random spot within multiple image
Replies: 0
Views: 3593

Re: How do I draw a pixel in a random spot within multiple image

This will draw a 1 pix rectangle on an image overwritting the original . mogrify -fill red -draw \" rectangle 30,30 31,31 \" sunflower.jpg You will need to change the values to presumably a variable; as you have not said what API or php etc. you are using I can not give any further informa...
by Bonzo
Forum: Users
Topic: imprint Exif DateTime on a jpeg?
Replies: 4
Views: 11446

Re: imprint Exif DateTime on a jpeg?

Try something like this: mogrify -font verdana.ttf -pointsize 16 -draw \"gravity SouthWest fill white text 0,0 '%[EXIF:DateTimeOriginal]'\" sunflower.jpg NOTE: 1/ I have used a font I have uploaded to the same folder verdana.ttf 2/ Mogrify will overwrite the original image. 3/ Text 0,0 wil...
by Bonzo
Forum: Users
Topic: fonts suitable for 8 points ?
Replies: 6
Views: 13030

Re: fonts suitable for 8 points ?

To use a special font upload it to your site and specify the path in the code e.g.

Code: Select all

convert -size 100x65 xc:lightblue -font Arial.ttf -pointsize 8 \
           -annotate +0+8 "$OUTPUT" -depth 1  lala.bmp

by Bonzo
Forum: Users
Topic: transparency problem.
Replies: 5
Views: 11514

Re: transparency problem.

Thats good boggen as I was not 100% sure what you wanted.
by Bonzo
Forum: Users
Topic: Creating cover flow similar to iphone using trapezoid distor
Replies: 3
Views: 13242

Re: Creating cover flow similar to iphone using trapezoid distor

There was a post about this a month or so ago but it was lost. What you want is not easy and would need some testing but this will get you started. <?php exec("convert src.jpg -resize 64...
by Bonzo
Forum: Users
Topic: transparency problem.
Replies: 5
Views: 11514

Re: transparency problem. convert -size 460x65 xc:none -font action.ttf -pointsize 70 -draw \"gravity center fill black text 0,0 'Albir' \" text_mask.png composite -compose Dst_In text_mask.png -gravity center sunflower_border.jpg -matte text_gradiant.png compo...
by Bonzo
Forum: Users
Topic: transparency problem.
Replies: 5
Views: 11514

Re: transparency problem.

I am not exactly sure what you mean. As I read it you want to have some text with an image in the text and overlay this text over another image. This is creating the gradiant and overlaying the text; you could replace the gradiant step and u...