Search found 14 matches
- 2013-04-26T14:40:24-07:00
- Forum: Developers
- Topic: Support for Adobe Color Management Module
- Replies: 4
- Views: 9016
Re: Support for Adobe Color Management Module
There is a Mac version too That's too bad. In many cases IM is used as a server based processing system intended to mimic the capabilities of stand alone Adobe apps such as Photoshop. One shortcoming is that IM and Photoshop use two ...
- 2013-04-26T12:41:10-07:00
- Forum: Developers
- Topic: Support for Adobe Color Management Module
- Replies: 4
- Views: 9016
Support for Adobe Color Management Module
Does/will IM (v6 or v7) support using the freely available Adobe Color Management Module ... ftpID=3618 for doing color space conversions?
- 2011-04-19T14:38:51-07:00
- Forum: Bugs
- Topic: IM not recognizing layers in Photoshop TIFF
- Replies: 0
- Views: 4422
IM not recognizing layers in Photoshop TIFF
Details about this can be found in another post here: Convert delete layer from TIFF, save as JPEG To summarize, I saved a layered TIFF out of Photoshop (CS4) containing 2 layers. I tried to use IM to remove 1 layer and convert to ...
- 2011-04-19T10:48:36-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: Convert delete layer from TIFF, save as JPEG
- Replies: 15
- Views: 36879
Re: Convert delete layer from TIFF, save as JPEG
The file was created in Photoshop (CS4). When opened in Photoshop there are two layers present. Any ideas why why IM doesn't see two layers? Is it known if IM typically recognizes layers in Photoshop generated TIFFs?
- 2011-04-19T08:23:20-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: Convert delete layer from TIFF, save as JPEG
- Replies: 15
- Views: 36879
Re: Convert delete layer from TIFF, save as JPEG
What command did you use? Either of the commands mentioned in the original post produce the same error with IM 6.6.9 Q8 on Windows. Did your converted file have the text "WATERMARK" included in it? The ultimate goal is to strip the layer with the "WATERMARK" text in it, leaving just the image layer.
- 2011-04-18T17:11:45-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: Convert delete layer from TIFF, save as JPEG
- Replies: 15
- Views: 36879
Convert delete layer from TIFF, save as JPEG
I'm trying to remove one layer from a TIFF that contains two layers and then save as a JPEG file. I've tried two different commands with no luck: convert c:\Temp\TIFFLZW.tif'[0]' c:\Temp\test.jpg This results in the following output: Magick: unable to open image `c:\Temp\TIFFLZW.tif'[0]'': No such ...
- 2010-10-07T19:32:58-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: How to ignore alpha channel?
- Replies: 3
- Views: 9889
Re: How to ignore alpha channel?
The -flatten operator seems to work in this case. I'm still curious why the -alpha Off operator wouldn't accomplish this. A command such as -channel CMYK also seems like it should accomplish this. Based on the documentation it seems that either of these operators should do something in this case ...
- 2010-10-06T22:18:13-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: How to ignore alpha channel?
- Replies: 3
- Views: 9889
How to ignore alpha channel?
I need to convert a CMYK TIFF that contains an alpha channel to JPEG. My original command was convert -resample 72x72 -resize "1024x1024>" -units PixelsPerInch -quality 95 test.tif test.jpg I've used this for a while on images that do not contain an alpha channel with no problems. However if the ...
- 2010-07-20T14:20:15-07:00
- Forum: Windows COM+ & Visual Basic
- Topic: +profile syntax in Vbscript
- Replies: 2
- Views: 17936
Re: +profile syntax in Vbscript
Well that didn't work at first either, I was still getting the same results. Apparently though the ImageMagickObject.dll that was in use was from a previous install (v6.3.7) even though v6.6.3 was installed. After uninstalling everything and reinstalling 6.6.3, the comma delimited syntax that you ...
- 2010-07-20T11:09:04-07:00
- Forum: Windows COM+ & Visual Basic
- Topic: +profile syntax in Vbscript
- Replies: 2
- Views: 17936
+profile syntax in Vbscript
I need to remove all profiles from the output file except the ICC profile. This works fine from the command line: convert "E:\test1.tif" -profile "C:\Profile1.icc" -profile "C:\Profile2.icc" +profile "!icc,*" E:\test1.jpg As you can see, since there are two parameters assigned to the +profile ...
- 2009-06-23T08:56:58-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: PS delegate substitution rules
- Replies: 3
- Views: 11679
Re: PS delegate substitution rules
That pointed me in the right direction. The actual problem I was trying to solve had to do with colors being rendered incorrectly. I have an older IM install that has been converting EPS/PDF to JPEG for years. I recently tried to duplicate that setup using a newer version of IM. The old version was ...
- 2009-06-23T07:17:21-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: PS delegate substitution rules
- Replies: 3
- Views: 11679
PS delegate substitution rules
Imagemagick 6.3.7 Ghostscript 8.64 delegates.xml states: For delegates other than ps:alpha, ps:color, ps:mono, and mpeg-encode the substitution rules are as follows and then lists all of the substitution rules. What about the substitution rules for ps:* delegates, what are they? I'm trying to tweak ...
- 2008-07-23T07:50:54-07:00
- Forum: Windows COM+ & Visual Basic
- Topic: ImageMagickObject.dll OnStartPage error
- Replies: 1
- Views: 13629
Re: ImageMagickObject.dll OnStartPage error
Here's some more info from the event viewer regarding the error: EventID: 4194 Category: SVC Source: COM+ The system has called a custom component and that component has failed and generated an exception. This indicates a problem with the custom component. Notify the developer of this component that ...
- 2008-07-23T07:38:47-07:00
- Forum: Windows COM+ & Visual Basic
- Topic: ImageMagickObject.dll OnStartPage error
- Replies: 1
- Views: 13629
ImageMagickObject.dll OnStartPage error
I'm using the ImageMagick COM component (v6.3.7) from an ASP page. For troubeshooting purposes I want to isolate the component into a separate process per the instructions here: How to Isolate a DLL into a Separate Process By Using Component Services ...