I have another question:
I am adding video + audio codecs and studio logos to the disc images I am auto creating. I want the images on the edge of the disc i am creating.
However the logos that I am adding have unknown widths and the X+Y positioning for composition only uses the top left corner of the logos for positioning, so I can end up with images overlaping the right hand edges of the disc.
What I would like to do is either:
1. resize logo image to 250x100, keeping original aspect ratio, with right alignment and fill = transparent
I want to do this to the logo prior to composing it on top of the disc image.
This will allow me to position the items correctly, because I can position them 250px away from the edge and they will always be right on the edge of the disc
2. position the logos, but relative to the logo width eg.
"audio1.png" -geometry +(250+logowidth)+200 -composite ^
Here is sample code:
Code: Select all
convert.exe ^
"fanart.jpg" -resize 1778x1778 ^
-gravity center -crop 1000x1000+0+0 +repage ^
"fanart.mask.png" -alpha off -compose copy_opacity -composite ^
"fanart.movie.png" -compose over -composite ^
-background transparent -fill white ^
-font segoe-ui-bold -gravity center -size 780x88 ^
label:"30 Minutes or Less" ^
-geometry +0+729 ^
-gravity north ^
-composite ^
-gravity center ^
"audio1.png" -geometry +350+200 -composite ^
"audio2.png" -geometry +400+120 -composite ^
Here is a .zip file containing sample code.bat file + sample images:
If it is not posible I will just have to place images on the left side only...