Convert CMYK-Other Formats to CMYK-EPS (or CMYK-EPT)

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Carter J
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Convert CMYK-Other Formats to CMYK-EPS (or CMYK-EPT)

Post by Carter J »

Hi All,

We are trying to convert CMYK-Other Formats to CMYK-EPS (or CMYK-EPT), but the output images still showing as sRGB.

We tried both -Colorspace and -Profiles.

While using -Profiles, as suggested in viewtopic.php?t=8688, tried extracting existing profiles from input Image, adding them to new Image and then convert to EPT. But, that also fails .

Please suggest how to convert CMYK-Other Formats to CMYK-EPS(or EPT).

Example Input Image: ... CMYK_1.jpg

ImageMagick Version:
ImageMagick 6.8.7-4 2013-10-26

Ghostscript Version:

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Re: Convert CMYK-Other Formats to CMYK-EPS (or CMYK-EPT)

Post by fmw42 »

can you post a link to an example input image? you can upload the image to some free hosting service such as drop box (public folder) and put a link here
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Re: Convert CMYK-Other Formats to CMYK-EPS (or CMYK-EPT)

Post by Carter J »

Hi fmw42,

I have edited the question with example Input Image.

Please suggest.

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Re: Convert CMYK-Other Formats to CMYK-EPS (or CMYK-EPT)

Post by fmw42 »

I cannot get it to convert to CMYK EPS either. Perhaps IM or EPS does not support CMYK EPS. Or it is a bug.

Why do you need to make it EPS. I think it is just putting an sRGB vector wrapper around the jpg pixel data, which may be the issue. But I am not an expert on EPS.

IM Q16 Mac OSX

Why not just convert the jpg to sRGB using profiles.

Perhaps your jpg is corrupt. When I do

convert Carter_CMYK_1.jpg -profile /Users/fred/images/Profiles/USWebCoatedSWOP.icc -profile /Users/fred/images/Profiles/sRGB.icc Carter_RGB_2.jpg

It is also odd that the EXIF data lists a USWebCoatedSWOP.icc profile, but the IM properties only shows an unnamed .icc. Usually it recognizes the type/name of the profile. How was your image created? Did you add EXIF data separate from what the camera recorded?
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Re: Convert CMYK-Other Formats to CMYK-EPS (or CMYK-EPT)

Post by Carter J »

Hi fmw42,

It's not happening only with that JPEG image. I have tried with other JPEG files also. For reference, please find another input image & output image below. ... CMYK_2.jpg ... CMYK_2.eps

Please suggest.

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Re: Convert CMYK-Other Formats to CMYK-EPS (or CMYK-EPT)

Post by snibgo »

convert Carter_CMYK_1.jpg /Users/fred/images/Profiles/USWebCoatedSWOP.icc /Users/fred/images/Profiles/sRGB.icc Carter_RGB_2.jpg

It gives me 3 output images and since jpg does not support layers or pages or frames, it should only be making one sRGB image.
You need the keyword "-profile" twice.
convert Carter_CMYK_1.jpg -profile /Users/fred/images/Profiles/USWebCoatedSWOP.icc -profile /Users/fred/images/Profiles/sRGB.icc Carter_RGB_2.jpg
Although, as the profile is embedded in the file, the first is superfluous.
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Re: Convert CMYK-Other Formats to CMYK-EPS (or CMYK-EPT)

Post by Carter J »

Hi snibgo,

We have also tried applying profiles twice, still the output image showing as RGB instead of CMYK.

Could you please suggest any alternative.

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Re: Convert CMYK-Other Formats to CMYK-EPS (or CMYK-EPT)

Post by snibgo »

Sorry, I know nothing about eps files, and have no software that can even view them.

The round trip:

Code: Select all

convert -verbose Carter_CMYK_1.jpg -profile sRGB.icc c.eps
convert c.eps c.png
is successful, but that's as far as I can test. The eps file is RGB.
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Re: Convert CMYK-Other Formats to CMYK-EPS (or CMYK-EPT)

Post by fmw42 »

this works for me, but I am creating an sRGB eps file.

Code: Select all

convert Carter_CMYK_1.jpg -profile /Users/fred/images/Profiles/USWebCoatedSWOP.icc -profile /Users/fred/images/Profiles/sRGB.icc Carter_RGB_2.eps
Do you have to have cmyk eps? Perhaps EPS does not allow CMYK or IM will not convert to CMYK for EPS
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Re: Convert CMYK-Other Formats to CMYK-EPS (or CMYK-EPT)

Post by Carter J »


We specifically need to convert certain set of images to EPS-CMYK

For Ex:
Input Output

Tried with several input files of the above specified input formats which are different files from one another and still the output EPS-CMYK that is produced is fuzzy and distorted

Sample Input file ... CMYK_1.jpg

Here is how my output EPS-CMYK looks, attached a screenshot below
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Re: Convert CMYK-Other Formats to CMYK-EPS (or CMYK-EPT)

Post by fmw42 »

I cannot get a CMYK JPEG to convert to CMYK EPS. Perhaps you should report this to the Bugs forum and see what the IM developers have to say about that.

IM uses libjpeg to read jpegs, but I do not know what delegate library if any writes to EPS. The delegates.xml file does not list any. Perhaps one has to load some delegate and create an entry in the delegates.xml file. But I do not what delegate is needed.
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