why is the output image bigger than input using imagick?

IMagick is a native PHP extension to create and modify images using the ImageMagick API. ImageMagick Studio LLC did not write nor does it maintain the IMagick extension, however, IMagick users are welcome to discuss the extension here.
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why is the output image bigger than input using imagick?

Post by linjuming »

why is the output image bigger than input using imagick?

original jpg: http://www.persunmall.com/images/jm3.jpg

Code: Select all

 * example
		'jm3.jpg' => 119 k   (453*680)
		'l.jpg' => 275 k   (400*600)		// why the output jpg is much bigger than input jpg?

$jy_image=new jy_image

Code: Select all

class jy_image {
	private $image = null;
	private $type = null;

	// 构造函数
	public function __construct() {

	// 析构函数
	public function __destruct() {
		if ($this->image !== null)

	// 载入图像
	public function open($path) {
		$this->image = new Imagick($path);
		if ($this->image) {
			$this->type = strtolower($this->image->getImageFormat());	// jpeg
		return $this->image;

	public function crop($x = 0, $y = 0, $width = null, $height = null) {
		if ($width == null)
			$width = $this->image->getImageWidth() - $x;
		if ($height == null)
			$height = $this->image->getImageHeight() - $y;
		if ($width <= 0 || $height <= 0)

		if ($this->type == 'gif') {
			$image  = $this->image;
			$canvas = new Imagick();

			$images = $image->coalesceImages();
			foreach ($images as $frame) {
				$img = new Imagick();
				$img->cropImage($width, $height, $x, $y);

				$canvas->setImagePage($width, $height, 0, 0);

			$this->image = $canvas;
		} else {
			$this->image->cropImage($width, $height, $x, $y);

	 * 更改图像大小
	 $fit: 适应大小方式
	 'force': 把图片强制变形成 $width X $height 大小
	 'scale': 按比例在安全框 $width X $height 内缩放图片, 输出缩放后图像大小 不完全等于 $width X $height
	 'scale_fill': 按比例在安全框 $width X $height 内缩放图片,安全框内没有像素的地方填充色, 使用此参数时可设置背景填充色 $bg_color = array(255,255,255)(红,绿,蓝, 透明度) 透明度(0不透明-127完全透明))
	 其它: 智能模能 缩放图像并载取图像的中间部分 $width X $height 像素大小
	 $fit = 'force','scale','scale_fill' 时: 输出完整图像
	 $fit = 图像方位值 时, 输出指定位置部分图像 
	 north_west   north   north_east
	 west         center        east
	 south_west   south   south_east
	public function resize_to($width = 100, $height = 100, $fit = 'center', $fill_color = array(255, 255, 255, 0)) {

		// 保证其中一边,另外一边相应缩放
		if($width==0 || $height==0){
			$image = $this->image;
			$src_width = $image->getImageWidth();
			$src_height = $image->getImageHeight();
			if($width>0 && $height==0){
				$height = $src_height*($width/$src_width);
			else if($width==0 && $height>0){
				$width = $src_width*($height/$src_height);

		switch ($fit) {
			case 'force':   // 强制缩放,会变形
				if ($this->type == 'gif') {
					$image  = $this->image;
					$canvas = new Imagick();

					$images = $image->coalesceImages();
					foreach ($images as $frame) {
						$img = new Imagick();
						$img->thumbnailImage($width, $height, false);

					$this->image = $canvas;
				} else {
					$this->image->thumbnailImage($width, $height, false);
			case 'scale':
				if ($this->type == 'gif') {
					$image  = $this->image;
					$images = $image->coalesceImages();
					$canvas = new Imagick();
					foreach ($images as $frame) {
						$img = new Imagick();
						$img->thumbnailImage($width, $height, true);

					$this->image = $canvas;
				} else {
					$this->image->thumbnailImage($width, $height, true);
			case 'scale_fill':      // 填充白色
				$size       = $this->image->getImagePage();
				$src_width  = $size['width'];
				$src_height = $size['height'];

				$x = 0;
				$y = 0;

				$dst_width  = $width;
				$dst_height = $height;

				if ($src_width * $height > $src_height * $width) {
					$dst_height = intval($width * $src_height / $src_width);
					$y          = intval(($height - $dst_height) / 2);
				} else {
					$dst_width = intval($height * $src_width / $src_height);
					$x         = intval(($width - $dst_width) / 2);

				$image  = $this->image;
				$canvas = new Imagick();

				$color = 'rgba(' . $fill_color[0] . ',' . $fill_color[1] . ',' . $fill_color[2] . ',' . $fill_color[3] . ')';
				if ($this->type == 'gif') {
					$images = $image->coalesceImages();
					foreach ($images as $frame) {
						$frame->thumbnailImage($width, $height, true);

						$draw = new ImagickDraw();
						$draw->composite($frame->getImageCompose(), $x, $y, $dst_width, $dst_height, $frame);

						$img = new Imagick();
						$img->newImage($width, $height, $color, 'gif');

						$canvas->setImagePage($width, $height, 0, 0);
				} else {
					$image->thumbnailImage($width, $height, true);

					$draw = new ImagickDraw();
					$draw->composite($image->getImageCompose(), $x, $y, $dst_width, $dst_height, $image);

					$canvas->newImage($width, $height, $color, $this->get_type());
					$canvas->setImagePage($width, $height, 0, 0);
				$this->image = $canvas;
				$size       = $this->image->getImagePage();
				$src_width  = $size['width'];
				$src_height = $size['height'];

				$crop_x = 0;
				$crop_y = 0;

				$crop_w = $src_width;
				$crop_h = $src_height;

				if ($src_width * $height > $src_height * $width) {
					$crop_w = intval($src_height * $width / $height);   // 100*50 =>50*100 输出:25*50
				} else {
					$crop_h = intval($src_width * $height / $width);    //50*100 =>100*50 输出:50*25

				switch ($fit) {
					case 'north_west':
						$crop_x = 0;
						$crop_y = 0;
					case 'north':
						$crop_x = intval(($src_width - $crop_w) / 2);
						$crop_y = 0;
					case 'north_east':
						$crop_x = $src_width - $crop_w;
						$crop_y = 0;
					case 'west':
						$crop_x = 0;
						$crop_y = intval(($src_height - $crop_h) / 2);
					case 'center':
						$crop_x = intval(($src_width - $crop_w) / 2);
						$crop_y = intval(($src_height - $crop_h) / 2);
					case 'east':
						$crop_x = $src_width - $crop_w;
						$crop_y = intval(($src_height - $crop_h) / 2);
					case 'south_west':
						$crop_x = 0;
						$crop_y = $src_height - $crop_h;
					case 'south':
						$crop_x = intval(($src_width - $crop_w) / 2);
						$crop_y = $src_height - $crop_h;
					case 'south_east':
						$crop_x = $src_width - $crop_w;
						$crop_y = $src_height - $crop_h;
						$crop_x = intval(($src_width - $crop_w) / 2);
						$crop_y = intval(($src_height - $crop_h) / 2);

				$image  = $this->image;
				$canvas = new Imagick();

				if ($this->type == 'gif') {
					$images = $image->coalesceImages();
					foreach ($images as $frame) {
						$img = new Imagick();
						$img->cropImage($crop_w, $crop_h, $crop_x, $crop_y);
						$img->thumbnailImage($width, $height, true);

						$canvas->setImagePage($width, $height, 0, 0);
				} else {
					$image->cropImage($crop_w, $crop_h, $crop_x, $crop_y);
					$image->thumbnailImage($width, $height, true);
					$canvas->setImagePage($width, $height, 0, 0);
				$this->image = $canvas;


	// 添加水印图片
	public function add_watermark($path, $x = 0, $y = 0) {

		$watermark = new Imagick($path);

		// 默认水印位置 by jimmy 2014-4-11
		if(empty($x) && empty($y)){
			$im_w= $this->image->getImageWidth();
			$im_h = $this->image->getImageHeight();
			$wa_w = $watermark->getImageWidth();
			$wa_h = $watermark->getImageHeight();

		$draw      = new ImagickDraw();
		$draw->composite($watermark->getImageCompose(), $x, $y, $watermark->getImageWidth(), $watermark->getimageheight(), $watermark);

		if ($this->type == 'gif') {
			$image  = $this->image;
			$canvas = new Imagick();
			$images = $image->coalesceImages();
			foreach ($image as $frame) {
				$img = new Imagick();

			$this->image = $canvas;
		} else {

	// 添加水印文字
	public function add_text($text, $x = 0, $y = 0, $angle = 0, $style = array()) {
		$draw = new ImagickDraw();
		if (isset($style['font']))
		if (isset($style['font_size']))
		if (isset($style['fill_color']))
		if (isset($style['under_color']))

		if ($this->type == 'gif') {
			foreach ($this->image as $frame) {
				$frame->annotateImage($draw, $x, $y, $angle, $text);
		} else {
			$this->image->annotateImage($draw, $x, $y, $angle, $text);

	// 保存到指定路径
	public function save_to($path) {
		if ($this->type == 'gif') {
			$this->image->writeImages($path, true);
		} else {

	// 输出图像
	public function output($header = true) {
		if ($header)
			header('Content-type: ' . $this->type);
		echo $this->image->getImagesBlob();

	public function get_width() {
		$size = $this->image->getImagePage();
		return $size['width'];

	public function get_height() {
		$size = $this->image->getImagePage();
		return $size['height'];

	// 设置图像类型, 默认与源类型一致
	public function set_type($type = 'png') {
		$this->type = $type;

	// 获取源图像类型
	public function get_type() {
		return $this->type;

	// 当前对象是否为图片
	public function is_image() {
		if ($this->image)
			return true;
			return false;

	public function thumbnail($width = 100, $height = 100, $fit = true) {
		$this->image->thumbnailImage($width, $height, $fit);
	} // 生成缩略图 $fit为真时将保持比例并在安全框 $width X $height 内生成缩略图片

	$width: 左右边框宽度
	$height: 上下边框宽度
	$color: 颜色: RGB 颜色 'rgb(255,0,0)' 或 16进制颜色 '#FF0000' 或颜色单词 'white'/'red'...
	public function border($width, $height, $color = 'rgb(220, 220, 220)') {
		$color = new ImagickPixel();
		$this->image->borderImage($color, $width, $height);

	public function blur($radius, $sigma) {
		$this->image->blurImage($radius, $sigma);
	} // 模糊
	public function gaussian_blur($radius, $sigma) {
		$this->image->gaussianBlurImage($radius, $sigma);
	} // 高斯模糊
	public function motion_blur($radius, $sigma, $angle) {
		$this->image->motionBlurImage($radius, $sigma, $angle);
	} // 运动模糊
	public function radial_blur($radius) {
	} // 径向模糊

	public function add_noise($type = null) {
		$this->image->addNoiseImage($type == null ? imagick::NOISE_IMPULSE : $type);
	} // 添加噪点

	public function level($black_point, $gamma, $white_point) {
		$this->image->levelImage($black_point, $gamma, $white_point);
	} // 调整色阶
	public function modulate($brightness, $saturation, $hue) {
		$this->image->modulateImage($brightness, $saturation, $hue);
	} // 调整亮度、饱和度、色调

	public function charcoal($radius, $sigma) {
		$this->image->charcoalImage($radius, $sigma);
	} // 素描
	public function oil_paint($radius) {
	} // 油画效果

	public function flop() {
	} // 水平翻转
	public function flip() {
	} // 垂直翻转

	 * 压缩图片 by jimmy 2014-4-11
	 * ----------------------------------------
	function compress($quality=100){
		$q = $this->image->getImageCompressionQuality();
		$q = $q* $quality/100;
			$q = $quality;

	 * 综合各个步骤输出 by jimmy 2014-4-11
	 * ----------------------------------------
	function output_image($srcFile,$destFile,$w=0,$h=0,$quality=100,$waterFile='',$fit="scale_fill"){

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Re: why is the output image bigger than input using imagick?

Post by fmw42 »

If the input image has no specified quality meta field, then IM assumes quality of 92. So that may be less compression than was used in your input image.

see http://www.imagemagick.org/script/comma ... hp#quality
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