Code: Select all
convert -density 960 -units PixelsPerInch -colorspace sRGB "g54w08.eps" -flatten -quality 100 -scale 10% -weight Bolder -contrast "g54w08C.jpg"
Code: Select all
convert -density 960 -units PixelsPerInch -colorspace sRGB "g54w08.eps" -flatten -quality 100 -scale 10% -weight Bolder -contrast "g54w08C.jpg"
Also see any recent discussion on profiles.stevenb46 wrote:-colorspace sRGB "g54w08.eps"
Fred, can you send me an example of the code required to do this?fmw42 wrote:The best way to match is to avoid the scaling (or blurring, etc) until the end so you have all the color operations first. Then create a PNG HALD:8 image in IM. Take the hald image to PS and process it with your same PS processing, except for any scaling or blurring or sharpening (things that are not point operations). Save it as PNG. Then bring it back to IM and apply the HALD image to your original image using -hald-clut. Then in IM do the same kinds of blurring and resizing to finish the processing. If you have to split the color and/or brightness operations and do the scaling or blurring. Then create two hald image. One for the first brightness color changes and the other for after you have resized or blurred the image and are doing the final brightness color changes.
Code: Select all
convert hald:8 hald_8.png
Code: Select all
convert image hald_8_processed.png -hald-clut result
To create a hald image, you just doconvert myinput.eps hald:8 hald_8.png
Code: Select all
convert hald:8 hald_8.png
Code: Select all
convert image new_hald_8_image.png -hald-clut processedimage