I'm using the latest version of IM and dependencies and works fine in Command Prompt (MS DOS) and I can manipulate JPG, PNG and others. But in PHP some things go wrong, JPG and PNG doesn't shows up in the Supported Formats, I tried to manipulate others formats in PHP like BMP and GIF and it works fine, but with JPG and PNG doesn't, I receive a Fatal Error with no description, which the reason, i believe be the some libraries not readable/installed/working in PHP.
I need those libraries working. So what do i have to do?
In the PHPINFO(), you can see there are no JPG and PNG formats in the list.
convert -list configure
This command results about ImageMagick, and it says that he delegates PNG and JPG as well, and as i said, It really works on Command Prompt but the problem is in Apache or PHP, I dont know.
I've copy and paste all libraries DLL and CODE_RL* to the right directory.
--------Path: [built-in]
Name Value
NAME ImageMagick
QuantumDepth 16
Path: C:\ImageMagick\configure.xml
Name Value
CC vs10
COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 1999-2014 ImageMagick Studio LLC
DELEGATES bzlib freetype jpeg jp2 lcms png tiff x11 xml wmf zlib
HOST Windows
NAME ImageMagick
RELEASE_DATE 2015-02-15
WEBSITE http://www.imagemagick.org
fmw42 wrote:This is not the same issue. You really need to post a new topic and not tack onto an old similar one. Also you should always provide your IM version and platform.
I am not a PHP expert, but have some experience.
Typically, the problem is as follows:
You need to find where IM convert resides for PHP and put the path to it before convert in your exec() command
type -a convert
in a terminal window.
Otherwise ask your ISP
Then use
exec("fullpath2imconvert/convert ....");
Alternately, put it in your $PATH environment variable.
Can you use a terminal window? If so, then what do you get from
convert -version
Hi fmw42,
I've tried "type -a convert" in Prompt Command MS DOS window and it result in a error message (Is it to try in Prompt Command??):
convert -versionthe system cannot find the file specified
Error processing: -a
the system cannot find the file specified
Error processing: convert
Windows 7 Ultimate x64Version: ImageMagick 6.9.0-5 Q16 x86 2015-01-31 http://www.imagemagick.org
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2015 ImageMagick Studio LLC
Features: DPC Modules OpenMP
Delegates (built-in): bzlib cairo freetype jbig jng jp2 jpeg lcms lqr openexr pangocairo png ps rsvg tiff webp xml zlib
XAMPP 5.6.3 x86
PHP: 5.6.3
APACHE 2.0 Handler
PELC IMAGICK: php_imagick-3.1.2-5.6-ts-vc11-x86.zip
Sorry about the bad English.
Thank you!