Questions and postings pertaining to the usage of ImageMagick regardless of the interface. This includes the command-line utilities, as well as the C and C++ APIs. Usage questions are like "How do I use ImageMagick to create drop shadows?".
I am trying to tile smaller textures into a specific size. This is one of the texutres ill be using:
And this is the output:
Note the fact the first image has a slight blue tinge due to the backgroundof the forum post cause it's transparent. I tried both -background transparent and -fill transparent (which is there now) and had the same results.
What version of IM are you using? The image is grayscale, and grayscale changing tone suggest you are using an old version of IM, eg 6.7.7. This works fine on 6.9.2-5:
I tried your code and got an identical result to the image posted before. The original was grayscale (it appears blue due to semitransparency blending in the background of the forum post).
Your image meta data (identify -verbose) shows a grayscalealpha image, but the PNG colortype says RGBA. I tried to reproduce that using IM Q16 Mac OSX by
But the result still looks lighter in color than the input image. I am not a PNG expert, so you may have to wait until the PNG developer checks this out.
"identify" then tells me that x1.tiff has varying transparency but x2.tiff is fully opaque. It is also lighter.
A workaround would be to extract the alpha into a grayscale image, and make the input opaque. Then tile both the image and extracted alpha. Then "copy-opacity" the alpha back in.