"The arguments to these operators are numbers indexing the image list, starting with zero ('0') for the first image, and one ('1') for the second image, and so on. However if you give a negative index, the images are referenced from the end (last image added) of the image list. That is a index of '-1' is the last image in the current image list (generally the last image read or created), '-2' for the second last and so on.
The '0--1' argument means delete images from first image (index 0) to the last image (index -1). In other words ALL images in the current image list."
So -delete 0--2 will leave only the last image in the list. In your case, you have 4 images total before the -delete 0--2, since you have the input image, +clone (same as -clone 0), -clone 1, -clone 2. The delete thus leaves only the last image from the -clone 2 step. Is that what you wanted?
All of your image should be the same size.
But try (I had left off -gravity east and the .png on displaceX.png before):
Code: Select all
convert artwork.jpg -resize 1800x -gravity center -background white -extent 2000x2000 \
-gravity east displaceX.png displaceY.png -compose displace -define compose:args=0x5% -composite \
alpha.png -alpha off -compose over -compose copy_opacity -composite out.png
or try:
Code: Select all
convert artwork.jpg -resize 1800x -gravity center -background white -extent 2000x2000 \
\( displaceX.png -gravity east -crop 2000x2000+0+0 +repage \) \
displaceY.png -compose displace -define compose:args=0x5% -composite \
alpha.png -alpha off -compose over -compose copy_opacity -composite out.png
replace east with however you need to use the 2000x2000 region from the 2400x2400 of displaceX.png. Note after the -compose displace, I have used -compose over to reset the compose method before using -compose copy_opacity. This may not be needed, but some compose methods get confused if -compose is not reset to over before using them. This is particularly important before -flatten.
I am on IM Q16 Mac OSX snow leopard