Hello. I'm using IM 6.7.7-10 which comes with Kubuntu Trusty 64 bit. Please see the following commands entered at a terminal:
Code: Select all
convert xc:black -resize 1000x600! black.png
mogrify black.png -fill white -stroke blue -font DejaVu-Sans-Book -pointsize 36 -draw 'gravity NorthEast text 0,0 "Hello"'
convert black.png -fill white -stroke blue -font DejaVu-Sans-Book -pointsize 36 -draw 'gravity SouthEast text 0,0 "World"' black-new.png
I find that the final file
black-new.png only contains the word
World at the bottom right and does not contain the word
Hello anywhere. Isn't
mogrify supposed to do anything that
convert does except that it operates in place?