I use linux sh langage.
Short Version : I want to write the parameters of the convert function in a file (or a variable), and load it when calling the convert fonction in a sh script.
Long Version :
In need (or more exactly, i want) to generate an image which is basically a series of verticals bar (think of something like a barcode).
Because reason, i want to use a loop (each bar is the same, and the number of bar depends of the size of the image that can vary).
The loop look like this.
Code: Select all
while [ $HeadPosition -lt $(expr $MapVSize - 100 ) ];do
Message="$Message -draw \"rectangle 50,$(echo $HeadPosition) $(expr $MapHSize - 50 ),$(expr $HeadPosition + 50 )\""
HeadPosition=$(expr $HeadPosition + 100 )
Code: Select all
Message="-size $(echo $MapHSize)x$MapVSize xc:white"
Message="$Message -fill black"
Message="$Message $GifFileName"
Code: Select all
echo "$Message"
exemple of echo "$Message"
Code: Select all
-size 1400x600 xc:white -fill black -draw "rectangle 50,100 1350,150" -draw "rectangle 50,200 1350,250" -draw "rectangle 50,300 1350,350" -draw "rectangle 50,400 1350,450" map.gif
Code: Select all
convert "$Message"
I tried different ways of doing it, but it fails (for one reason or another).
Is it possible to use convert this way ?
If yes, what is the correct syntax ?