Sample taken from your site, enlarged a bit:
Code: Select all
convert -size 1700x1000 xc:black -fill white -draw 'circle 500,500 130,500' -draw 'circle 1200,500 1570,500' -draw 'rectangle 500,130 1200,870' -fill black -draw 'circle 500,500 250,500' -draw 'circle 1200,500 1450,500' -draw 'rectangle 500,250 1200,750' -fill white -draw 'circle 600,500 400,500' -draw 'circle 1100,500 1300,500' -draw 'rectangle 600,300 1100,700' -gaussian 10x10 +matte logo_mask.png
Interestingly if I do the same, just the output is *.gif, the image looks correct
Now before I start to blame IM, I would like to see the sources. And here's the question, where is the code doing gaussian blur for png (for un-indexed pallete I guess)? It smells as more math problems similar to what I had with comparing two double numbers exactly, without epsilon...
grep --include '*.c' -ri gaussian .
shows a lot of lines...
Thank you