I have an image which is a lot of stips one under the other. So far I have split them into separate images.
Code: Select all
convert input.jpg -crop 1648x128 +repage out_%03d.png
Code: Select all
convert out_234.png out_237.png out_240.png out_243.png -append out-collate.png
Secondly the images have a few pixels of duplication, so I want to supply an y offset of fixed magnitude each time I collate a strip.
Now I know IM6 is amazingly powerful but parsing all the doc to find out how to do this is getting to look like a three year degree course.
Can someone shorten my pain by pointing me in the right direction, please?
Many thanks.
[EDIT] As requested: using ImageMagick 6.9.2-7 Q16 x86_64 Linux