This is my first post but I've used 'convert' for a few small things in the past. This time I'd like to use it in conjunction with... ... conchanger
It's basically a little add-on (I'm not the author) that lets you change the favicon that your browser stores (usually 16x16 in PNG format) along with bookmarks. I find this handy when you want to cram more bookmarks on to your bookmarks bar and want to pick something more memorable, like this...
Finding good icons is hard, so I'm using images found on Google Images and converting them with ImageMagick to make them decent.
Example one...
I've got this Google Docs spreadsheet for working out the cost of Pepsi Max cans I give away for free at work and whether it's worth continuing the practice based on the tips I get back! A useful icon for this bookmark is a Pepsi Max can which I produce like this...
Code: Select all
curl -sL | convert - -fuzz 20% -fill none -draw 'color 0,0 floodfill' -trim -background none -resize 16x16 -gravity center -extent 16x16 +repage pepsi-max-can.png
As I understand the above...
Code: Select all
-fuzz 10% -fill none -draw 'color 0,0 floodfill'
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
-background none -resize 16x16
Code: Select all
-gravity center -extent 16x16
Code: Select all
Example two...
Same command but this time the image is the Amazon Wish List logo... if you bookmark your wish list page you just get the standard Amazon icon which frankly could be anything.
Code: Select all
curl -sL | convert - -fuzz 20% -fill none -draw 'color 0,0 floodfill' -trim -background none -resize 16x16 -gravity center -extent 16x16 +repage amazon-wish-list.png
The question...
Can anyone improve upon this technique?
Also, I find that GIMP doesn't show any partially transparent pixels if the image is 16x16 but does at 32x32 or 64x64.
EDIT: Nevermind, must be a GIMP bug.