Riot__ wrote:For now, I'm only able to generate a banner at the bottom of the image, but with no rotation:
While there are several ways to go about this sort of thing, you'll get better answers if you provide the version of IM you're using and let us know which platform or OS you're running it on.
Here are a couple of concepts that might get you going in the right direction. These examples use IM 6.9.6 on Windows. First, you could rotate the input image 45°, create the caption, apply it to the input image, then rotate the whole thing back -45°, something like this...
Code: Select all
convert input.png -virtual-pixel none -background none -distort SRT 45 ^
-background red -fill black -size 192x30 -gravity center caption:"Beta" ^
-gravity south -geometry +0+20 -composite -distort SRT -45 result.png
Or you could create and rotate the overlay inside parentheses, then composite it on the input image like this...
Code: Select all
convert input.png ( -background red -fill black -gravity center -size 192x30 caption:"Beta" ^
-background none -virtual-pixel none -rotate -45 -geometry +40+40 ) -composite result.png
The exact commands and the best approach would depend on several things. Is this something you need to do only once or many times? Are all your input images the same size? Is the text on the overlay always the same? There might be more versatile ways to go about it, maybe more complicated, but possibly more suited to your need.