Is it possible to use the covert and identify commands in the same command string?
I need to apply settings to an .tiff image file but also want to know the mean and other stats about the images AFTER the settings are applied.
I was hoping to avoid writing the file to disk.
I tried the mpr: format hoping this would work but it did not.
I tried the -write command but maybe dont understand it very well.
so example:
-the settings i am applying in the normal covert command:
Code: Select all
magick convert -quiet -colorspace GRAY -gamma %gNum1% -sigmoidal-contrast %fact%,%sNum1%%% +level 0%%,98%% -depth 8 %fullPathtoTIFF% output.tiff
Code: Select all
magick identify output.tiff -format "Mean1=%%[fx: mean]" xc:
I have tried to string them together but i get errors sting 'identify' is not a recognized command... for example
Code: Select all
magick convert -quiet -colorspace GRAY -gamma %gNum1% -sigmoidal-contrast %fact%,%sNum1%%% +level 0%%,98%% -depth 8 %fullPathtoTIFF% mpr:holder ^
identify mpr:holder -format "Mean1=%%[fx: mean]" xc:
I've checked the batch usage page and am reading through some if its content. but is there a way to load an edited image into memory and return its mean or statistics without saving the file to disk?
Thank You.