Although the following topic deals with similar stuff, it is here a little different.
The problem is that imageMagick seems to ignore the IPTC CodedCharacterSet.
I am using exiftool via geosetter to set the IPTC fields in UTF8 instead of latin-1. I will use 2 simple french words for the example: "voilà l'été" meaning "here comes summer"
Let's generate a picture to show the issue:
Code: Select all
convert -size 300x50 xc:black -gravity east -draw "fill white text 0,0 'iptc utf8 voilà l\'été'" -format JPEG -trim +repage iptc.jpg
Code: Select all
exiftool.exe -overwrite_original -IPTC:Headline="voilà l'été" -IPTC:CodedCharacterSet=UTF8 iptc.jpg
Note the strange characters already. But it is right: UTF8 ready software read that properly.
Now, I want to read if with identify
Code: Select all
identify -format "%[IPTC:2:105]" iptc.jpg
I tried to convert it afterwards, but it does not work.
PS: if I force
Code: Select all
exiftool.exe -overwrite_original -IPTC:Headline="voilà l'été" -IPTC:CodedCharacterSet=UTF8 iptc.jpg
Event If I force latin1 encoding with exiftool (-L), I got the same bad output with identify!
Code: Select all
exiftool.exe -overwrite_original -IPTC:Headline="voilà l'été" -L iptc.jpg