Questions and postings pertaining to the usage of ImageMagick regardless of the interface. This includes the command-line utilities, as well as the C and C++ APIs. Usage questions are like "How do I use ImageMagick to create drop shadows?".
When converting an eps to png via Photoshop the equivalent in ImageMagick has resulted in what appears to be highly saturated colours.
Here is the photoshop png
Here is the imagemagick png
What parameters would I need to tweak to match or come close to the photoshop version?
The only thing done in Photoshop is open the eps in RGB mode at 300dpi, resize the canvas and save as png with no interlace and small file size.
Currently using Version: ImageMagick 7.0.5-6 Q16 x64 2017-05-13
Note that PS will likely output Adobe RGB whereas ImageMagick will output sRGB unless there is a profile with your EPS file. Best to convert using profiles.
This may be a CMYK profile problem. PNG can't store CMYK, so if the Ghostscript output is CMYK then IM will do a "-colorspace" conversion. I suspect you need a "-profile" conversion (as Fred says).
I also see the IM version contains spot colours. I assume these have been simply copied from the EPS. But IM doesn't process spot colours.
Command I use is
magick convert -density 300 -antialias -gravity center -extent 827x461 -interlace none test.eps -quality 100 -auto-level png24:test.png
Running the following in IM Q16 Mac OSX, I get something similar to your ImageMagick result and not the PS result. I think the issue is the spot colors that Photoshop can use and ImageMagick cannot.
You need to add multiple profiles since the input EPS file was CMYK without a profile. It was my mistake to have missed that when examining your file. But you have the two profiles reversed. You need to specify the CMYK profile first, then the sRGB profile is last since you must convert to sRGB, since PNG does not support CMYK. I usually use USWebCoatedSWOP.icc for the CMYK profile.
When I swap the profiles around as you suggested it reverts back to the original look as if no profiles were added.
I tried your example too and still the same. I'm stumped.