my scanner delivers scans as 3-page TIFs: RGB-scan, preview (lower resolution), IR-scan. Images are 48bit/pixel for RGB/preview and 16bit/pixel for IR. I want to make changes to the RGB- and IR-scans and then recombine the images so I can continue using the results like the original files in the scan program. However, the following procedure does not work:
- magick convert original[0].tif original_RGB.tif
- magick convert original[1].tif original_preview.tif
- magick convert original[2].tif original_IR.tif
- Now I make changes in the RGB- and IR images --> simulate_RGB.tif and simulate_IR.tif
- magick convert -endian MSB simulate_RGB.tif original_preview.tif simulate_IR.tif simulate.tif
- exiftool -tagsfromfile original.tif -all:all simulate.tif
If I open the simulated image in the scan software, the IR-channel, i.e. page 2, is not recognized. This also happens if I do not change anything in the individual images, once separated, and just recombine them.
Either convert does something for me unexpected or EXIFtool does not make an identical copy of the metadata.
I would be very thankful for any hints, how to solve this problem.
Many thanks and best wishes