Questions and postings pertaining to the usage of ImageMagick regardless of the interface. This includes the command-line utilities, as well as the C and C++ APIs. Usage questions are like "How do I use ImageMagick to create drop shadows?".
and it would give me True/False depending on whether the image has an alpha channel or not. But this doesn't seem to work with IMv7; instead it gives me "Blend" or "Undefined". Is there some way I can use to retrieve that information with IMv7?
BTW, the docs still say that %A returns a boolean.
In IM 7, you should use magick identify. Same for all the other tools (such as montage, mogrify, etc), except for convert. Magick replace convert.
More importantly, IM 7 alpha is different from IM 6. It has a blend mode and a update mode. Undefined means no alpha is present. Blend is the normal -alpha set or -alpha on mode. Update comes when you use -alpha discrete.
Thanks for the suggestion. One issue with "channels" is that it can return many different values. For example, I tried it on a collection of 30k images and here's all the different values I got: cmyk, gray, graya, srgb, srgba. So in order to determine if the image has an alpha channel, I would have to know all possible values for "channels" that contain alpha (e.g. graya, srgba) which is not ideal.
Actually I was only thinking about external image formats. But point taken.
Nevertheless, OHTA is rather strange (as would be YCbCr), since there are only 3 channels (without alpha), but OHTA lists 4 letters (YCbCr lists 5 letters, but only has 3 channels). Even sRGB lists 4 letters for 3 channels.
So %[channels] is really more like colorspace[alpha]
%[channels] is really only reasonable for sRGB and CMYK (and possibly LAB) since those are probably the only colorspaces possible for external image formats.