I got a lot of holyday photos, which I want to edit: every photo should get the same inner boarder and a short text, from the exif data.
The photos have different sizes, but this shouldn’t matter to the boarder.
1.) a inner boarder of 40px at all sizes, 20px at the bottom. The boarder has a opacity of 40% of black.
2.) a text, starting at the right bottom, going to the left. The Text should be a comment exported from Lightroom (but in example it could be “exif:model”)
The boarder should look like this:
How do I start?
I tried sth. like this:
Code: Select all
convert %START% -auto-orient %TARGET%
convert %TARGET% -gravity SouthEast -pointsize 72 -draw "text 0,0 'Hello World'" %TARGET%
convert %TARGET% -stroke black -strokewidth 40 -fill transparent -draw "stroke-opacity 0.4 rectangle 20,20 1000,500" %TARGET%
But I don’t know to continue.