Questions and postings pertaining to the usage of ImageMagick regardless of the interface. This includes the command-line utilities, as well as the C and C++ APIs. Usage questions are like "How do I use ImageMagick to create drop shadows?".
convert stack.tif -depth 16 -channel all -normalize +channel +normalize +compress -alpha off 2.miff
./autowhite 2.miff 3.miff
./colorbalance -c g -a 15 3.miff 4.miff
./curves -g C "25,75" 4.miff stack_devel.tif
The result is exceptionally good. However, it would be preferable to filter out more of the green, retaining the luminance provided by the green channel without the tint.
I am seeking suggestions about the best way to go about doing this automatically with a degree of certainty, rather than manual adjustment to the image.
One suggestion would be to process the original in Photoshop or GIMP. Then create 3D Hald image in ImageMagick and take it to your Photoshop or GIMP, then apply the same adjustments (as long as they are global changes and not local such as sharpening or convolutions) to the Hald Image. Then bring the Hald image back to ImageMagick and use it to apply to all your other similar photographs.
With a little more experimenting, I find the colorbalance reference channel makes a difference image to image. Referenced to Blue the example image is nicely representative. Other images benefit from Red or Green.
Thanks Fred, I have. I am using -color-matrix for applying channel multipliers to images from DSLRs without an astronomical filter mod. The user can add up to 5 matrices. It is a little intensive for developing a preview. And I may have asked the question too soon. Your scripts do precisely what's required. I just need to play a bit more. Every new feature is a new learning curve...