Code: Select all
convert -size 300x300 xc:black -fill white -stroke black \
-draw "stroke white fill none circle 100,100 150,100 \
push graphic-context
stroke white fill white translate 100,100 rotate 0 line 0,0 50,0
font-size 10 text-antialias 1 stroke none text 60,0 '6 $(date +%d" "%b)'
stroke white fill white rotate 30 line 0,0 50,0 stroke none text 60,0 '8'
stroke white fill white rotate 60 line 0,0 50,0 stroke none text 60,0 '12'
stroke white fill white rotate 60 line 0,0 50,0 stroke none text 60,0 '16'
stroke white fill white rotate 30 line 0,0 50,0 stroke none text 60,0 '18'
stroke white fill white rotate 90 line 0,0 50,0 stroke none text 60,0 '24'
pop graphic-context
" clock.jpg
If I remove the text-part of the code, the lines are right:
Code: Select all
convert -size 300x300 xc:black -fill white -stroke black \
-draw "stroke white fill none circle 100,100 150,100 \
push graphic-context
stroke white fill white translate 100,100 rotate 0 line 0,0 50,0
font-size 10 text-antialias 1 stroke none text 60,0 '6 $(date +%d" "%b)'
stroke white fill white rotate 30 line 0,0 50,0
stroke white fill white rotate 60 line 0,0 50,0
stroke white fill white rotate 60 line 0,0 50,0
stroke white fill white rotate 30 line 0,0 50,0
stroke white fill white rotate 90 line 0,0 50,0
pop graphic-context
" clock.jpg