I have a few .hdr images I need to convert into .exr. Easy peasy.
Doing manual conversion w/ Photoshop CC I get useable/openable images. These images are compressed without an alpha channel and using the standard wavelet compression for OpenEXR.
When I convert with ImageMagick 7.0.8-8 Q16 x86_64 2018-07-23 I get files that macOS 'Preview' can read/open OK, but these files can't be read by Photoshop (or several other programs I'm using).
[edit] Note that I'm trying to use the proper compression setting and alpha channel spec, but with no luck:
Code: Select all
$ convert atrium_desat.hdr -alpha off -compress Piz atrium_desatIM.exr
Code: Select all
photon:Maps$ identify -verbose atrium_desatPS.exr
identify: no decode delegate for this image format `EXR' @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/512.
Code: Select all
photon:Maps$ exrinfo atrium_desatIM.exr
Cannot read image file "atrium_desatIM.exr". File is not an image file.
photon:Maps$ exrinfo atrium_desatPS.exr
file format version: 2, flags 0x0
channels (type chlist):
B, 16-bit floating-point, sampling 1 1
G, 16-bit floating-point, sampling 1 1
R, 16-bit floating-point, sampling 1 1
compression (type compression): piz
dataWindow (type box2i): (0 0) - (4095 2047)
displayWindow (type box2i): (0 0) - (4095 2047)
lineOrder (type lineOrder): increasing y
pixelAspectRatio (type float): 1
screenWindowCenter (type v2f): (0 0)
screenWindowWidth (type float): 1
type (type string): "scanlineimage"