I have a PNG image with arbitrary physical dimension but 222 x 308 pixels, and would like to make it into a PDF with physical dimension 111 x 154 millimeters and >= 300dpi, with no smoothing, i.e. visible pixels.
I have tried running the command
Code: Select all
convert in.png -size 111x154 -units millimeter out.pdf
or also (with the obvious difference that a6 is not the exact size I want)
Code: Select all
convert in.png -density 300 -resize 100% -page a6 out.pdf
I admit getting lost in all the options imagemagick has.
I'd be thankful for any help on getting the right command for this task.
Imagemagick version is
Code: Select all
Version: ImageMagick 6.9.9-38 Q16 x86_64 2018-03-12