I use this to convert to jpgs for distribution:
Code: Select all
magick %1 -black-point-compensation -intent Relative -profile "C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-7.0.7-Q16-HDRI\sRGB.icc" -colorspace lab -depth 8 -colorspace sRGB -unsharp 0x2 -quality 100 "%~n1_fullunsharp.jpg
However, when changing to a colour profile that is not sRGB, the results are not correct with -colorspace lab.
This does not work (where I change to the profile of DS colour labs printers):
Code: Select all
magick %1 -black-point-compensation -intent Relative -profile "C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-7.0.7-Q16-HDRI\DC-Colour-labs-Frontier-Lustre.icc" -colorspace lab -depth 8 -colorspace sRGB -unsharp 0x2 -quality 100 "%~n1_fullunsharpDSCLabsl2.jpg
...when I change from relative intent to perceptual it gets close:
Code: Select all
magick %1 -black-point-compensation -intent Perceptual -profile "C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-7.0.7-Q16-HDRI\DC-Colour-labs-Frontier-Lustre.icc" -depth 8 -unsharp 0x2 -quality 100 "%~n1_fullunsharpDSCLabsl2.jpg
So my question is, why do I need the -colorspace lab before changing to 8 bit and then back to a perceptual colour space when converting to sRGB, but when converting to another profile, it messes it up and I get better results just converting to 8 bit in the perceptual colour space it is already in without the intermediate lab color space?
If anyone can shed light on this please, I would be most grateful. Thanks.