Geometry: 940x1250+0+0
Resolution: 37.8x37.8
Print size: 24.8677x33.0688
Units: PixelsPerCentimeter
If I do the multiplication, 37.8 * 33.0688 = 1250 px
But if I do
Code: Select all
convert -units PixelsPerCentimeter -density 37.8 wizard.svg wizard.png
Why is it not 940x1250?
The above was using Inkscape. So is this a bug in Inkscape or ImageMagick
I also get the same output size if using JPG and if using units of pixelsperinch. All 3 of these produce the same output dimensions though different densities.
convert -units PixelsPerCentimeter -density 37.8 MSVG:wizard.svg tmp1.png
convert -units PixelsPerInch -density 37.8 MSVG:wizard.svg tmp2.png
convert -units PixelsPerCentimeter -density 37.8 MSVG:wizard.svg tmp1.jpg