The command for batch processing of PNG files in the IN-folder with saving to the OUT-folder in Windows (bat-file):
Code: Select all
cd /d "%~dp0"
for %%i in (in\*.png) do convert.exe -channel RGB -modulate 100,0 +level-colors rgb(100,100,100),rgb(170,170,170) -fuzz 5%% -trim -filter triangle -thumbnail 206x206 -extent 256x256 -gravity center -function polynomial 0.804,-0.00133 -evaluate max 5%% -evaluate min 90%% -background RGBA(255,71,1,0.75) -flatten -colorspace sRGB "%%~fi" "out\%%~nxi"
At the exit: uniform quiet color scale without sharp differences; identical size, form and overall design.
Viewing: before - after (different background to divide software and add colors). The source is here.
The goal: remove the pure black, lighten the dark, darken the light, i.e. bring everything to a "common denominator."
In general, the goal is achieved. A gray icon on a semitransparent background doesn't hurt the eyes, but looks a little faded...
Alas, on this stage my imagination and knowledge of IM have ended...
Now I'd like to round the edges and smooth resize-artifacts. How to do it and what can be changed / improved in general?