We are using the Version: ImageMagick 6.9.3-8 Q16 x86_64 2018-06-20 and Platform is LINUX and API is PHP using exec() function.
We are working on drawing shapes in ImageMagick.
For drawing B shape we have used below command and shape is completely dynamic based on database settings
Code: Select all
-draw ' polyline 0,0 533.3,0 bezier 533.3,0 666.7,173.3 533.3,346.7 polyline 533.3,346.7 400,346.7 400,453.3 533.3,453.3 bezier 533.3,453.3 666.7,613.3 533.3,800 polyline 533.3,800 0,800 0,0 '
But the shape is not closing properly and the black triangle is coming inside shape that means B is not drawing properly and does not have the backgeound image all over the shape
So, could you please suggest the solution to solve this problem as well please suggest to draw the shape with a curve in shapes
Thank You