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$ magick --version
Version: ImageMagick 7.0.8-62 Q16 x64 2019-08-24
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2018 ImageMagick Studio LLC
Visual C++: 180040629
Features: Cipher DPC Modules OpenCL OpenMP(2.0)
Delegates (built-in): bzlib cairo flif freetype gslib heic jng jp2 jpeg lcms lqr lzma openexr pangocairo png ps raw rsvg tiff webp xml zlib
I have a PNG with transparent and translucent pixels:
I'd like to convert it to GIF, but "mogrify -format gif input.png" gives an ugly result:
I'd like to fill behind all translucent (but not fully transparent) pixels with an opaque color (white), and then convert to get this result:
Is there any way to do this in ImageMagick?
Thank you for your help!