I read that image magick automatically performs the blur operation at a bit depth of 16 so this shouldn't happen. I tried forcing this by adding
Code: Select all
depth -16
Code: Select all
16-bit sRGB 2099910B 0.016u 0:00.001
The command I'm using is a slight modification of fred's surroundblur script (http://www.fmwconcepts.com/imagemagick/ ... /index.php) to make it work in a python script on windows:
Code: Select all
"magick", "convert", f"\"{input_file}\"", "-write mpr:img +delete",
f"( mpr:img -resize {bg_size}! -crop {bg_size}+0+0 +repage -blur 0x{bg_blur} )",
f"( mpr:img -resize {cover_size} -bordercolor {border_color} -border {border} )",
f"( +clone -background black -shadow {shadow_darkness}x{shadow_fade}+{shadow_extent}+{shadow_extent} )",
"( -clone 2,1 -background none -layers merge +repage )",
"-delete 1,2 -gravity center -compose over -composite",