I did some extended benchmarking and builded a magicwand myself (hell!!!). Tested with 4000 iterations on ab.exe as described in my first post (Apache/2.0.53 - Windows XP SP2).
Here is a summary of memory consumption:
- PHP-4.4.0. : 98.4 Kb --> 1 Gb
- PHP- : 98.4 Kb --> 1 Gb
- PHP- * : 99.1 Kb --> 112,7 Kb
- PHP- ** : 101.2 Kb --> 114.8 Kb
The first two are tested with php-4.4.0_magickwand_q16_st.dll, the *official* binaries.
The third one is compiled without
The fourth one is compiled with
So, compile magicwand yourself and get rid of the (absurd) memory leaking.
Here is the ReleaseTS preprocessor definitons I used:
Code: Select all
And these are the libraries included:
Code: Select all
CORE_RL_bzlib_.lib CORE_RL_coders_.lib CORE_RL_filters_.lib CORE_RL_jbig_.lib CORE_RL_jp2_.lib CORE_RL_jpeg_.lib CORE_RL_lcms_.lib CORE_RL_libxml_.lib CORE_RL_magick_.lib CORE_RL_png_.lib CORE_RL_tiff_.lib CORE_RL_ttf_.lib CORE_RL_wand_.lib CORE_RL_wmf_.lib CORE_RL_zlib_.lib php4ts.lib wsock32.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib
(Pardon in my first post PHP version was 4.4.0 and NOT 4.3.10)