Code: Select all
convert image.png -colors 3 -depth 8 -format %c histogram:info:-
Hmmm... this may be a good why of sorting images for comparision, or finding images of people with a predominate 'skin' color.
The number of colors may been adjustment. but should still work well.
NOTE that removing the outside borders of the image before looking for a predominate color may also be a very good idea.
Also you can use a -scale to get an average color!
Code: Select all
convert image.png -gravity center -crop 70x70%+0+0 -scale 1x1\! -depth 8 txt:-
Please let me know what you discover, so that others can benifit and refine the methdos further.
I have added these notes to IM Examples Image Compare -- determining and sorting images... ... #imagetype